초록 열기/닫기 버튼

고구려 광개토대왕(廣開土大王)의 대외 팽창은 한국 고대사의 중요한 주제 가운데 하나다. 그런데 광개토대왕의 대외팽창 가운데 고구려·후연관계는 고구려 내부의 상황이나 전쟁에만 치중하였고, 후연의 내부사정 분석에 소홀하였다. 당시 후연의 내부사정 파악은 광개토대왕의 요동(遼東)·요서(遼西) 진출을객관적·입체적으로 파악할 수 있다는 점에서 중요한 연구주제다. 이 글에서는 광개토대왕의 요동·요서 공략 성공의 원인으로 후연 ‘용성시대(龍城時代)’ 지배층의 내분과 토목공사 및 유행(遊幸)으로 인한 인력·경제력소모, 북위(北魏)의 영토 잠식 등을 제시하였다. 아울러 소수림왕·고국양왕 시기의 내정 개혁, 광개토대왕의 뛰어난 전략과 고구려군의 우수성 등도 물론 고려되어야 할 것이다. 이는 이미 국내 선행 연구가 있으므로 지면 관계상 생략한다. 양자를 종합하여 고려할 때, 광개토대왕의 영토확장을 객관적으로 조감할수 있을 것이다. 이 글은 선행 연구가 없는 전자를 부각했다는 점과 광개토대왕시기 고구려의 팽창 원인을 처음으로 후연의 관점에서 분석했다는 점에서 연구사적 의의를 지닌다.

Moyong Bo(Murong Bao), the second monarch of the Huyeon (Hou Yan) state, was thrown out of the capital Zhongshan and Northern China, and his successors suffered from the split, and from the coups of the royal family and the ruling class. To make matters worse, Moyong Hi(Murong Xi) exhausted state finances and caused the deaths of his subjects because of the moving of earth for palace and garden projects, and for the imperial tours, which gave rise to a large decline in the population. Although Huyeon monarchs tried to resolve the political and economic crisis by attacking neighbors such as Kumoxi, Qidan, and Goguryeo, they failed to conquer these states in comparison with their ancestors in the period of Jeonyeon(Qian Yan) state, became weak, and later were ruined by Feng Ba. In contrast, Gwanggaeto the Great of Goguryeo and his predecessors, who included his uncle and father, had tried to enhance the wealth and military strength of the country from the defeat of Jeonyeon. Gwanggaeto the Great marched to Sukgun, the local political center of Pingzhou in Huyeon state in 402 and Yeongun(Yanjun) in 404, and succeeded in conquering Yodong (Liaodong) and Yoseo(Liaoxi) by virtue of his bravery, excellent strategy, powerful military forces, and self–destruction of Huyeon. In earlier research, many researchers ascribed this to Gwanggaeto the Great’s bravery, excellent strategy, and governing skills, and referred to the diplomatic environment, but they failed to analyze the politics and economic conditions of neighboring countries, especially the Huyeon state. In this article, I researched and analyzed an external factor, that is, the self–destruction of Huyeon state, in other words, the split and the coups of the royal family and the ruling class, the exhausted state finance, and deaths of his subjects due to earth– moving for palace and garden, and the imperial tour, which weakened state power and brought a large decline in population, which is mentioned in research for the first time. I raise the idea of the importance of not only Gwanggaeto the Great’s bravery, his excellent strategy, and the powerful military forces of Goguryo, but also the internal and external troubles, the weakness of military forces, and the self–destruction of Huyeon state.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

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Gwanggaeto the Great, Yodong(Liaodong), conquest of Yodong (Liaodong), attack on Yoseo(Liaoxi), Huyeon(Hou Yan), the Longcheng era in Huyeon(Hou Yan) state, Moyong Bo(Murong Bao), Moyong Hi(Murong Xi), Beiwei, the internal and external troubles of Huyeon(Hou Yan), the internal trouble of the ruling class, the earth removal for palace and gardens, the weakness of state forces in Huyeon(Hou Yan)