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새로운 교육과정이 만들어질 때마다, 교육과정 개발자들은 일선학교 교사들을 상대로 새 교육육과정 개정의 원리와 그 배경에 대하여 설명한다. 그러나 일선학교의 교사들의 의견은 좀처럼 개발자들에게 전달되지 않는다. 이 연구는 제7차 초등사회과 교육과정에 대하여 일선 학교 교사들이 알고 싶은 것, 문제점으로 생각하는 것을 수합하여 그것에 대하여 논의하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 필자는 현직 교사인 공주교대 대학원생들에게 그들의 의견을 써내게 하여 그것에 대하여 토의하였으며 이를 토대로 앙케트지를 작성하여 일정연수를 받는 교사들을 대상으로 조사를 실시하였다. 교사들이 제기한 의문사항문제점들은 제7차 초등 사회과 교육과정의 기본원리, 초등 사회과 교과서상의 오류와 내용의 씨??스면에서 부적절 함, 내용량의 과다 문제, 수준별 교육과정의 적용상의 어려움, 교과서탐구지도서의 체제 등이었다.

The Elementary Teacher's Opinion on the 7th Elementary Social Studies Curriculum Jae Cheon Suh Associate Professor, Department of Social Studies Education, Kongju National University of Education The aim of this study is to collect elementary school teacher's opinion about the 7th elementary social studies curriculum(NEW curriculum). I surveyed what elementary school teachers thought about the NEW curriculum. I asked the elementary teachers, most of them were graduate student of Kongju National University of Education, what was the problem of the NEW curriculum when they teach social studies. They pointed out 96 problems or questions about it. I categorized them as below. Elementary teachers pointed out, 1.. that they want to know 'the rational' of the NEW curriculum. 2. that there were a few errors on the elementary school social studies text books. 3. that the quantity of NEW curriculum was not decreased although curriculum developers asserted it. 4. that they have many problems in option activities when they teach social studies in classroom.

The Elementary Teacher's Opinion on the 7th Elementary Social Studies Curriculum Jae Cheon Suh Associate Professor, Department of Social Studies Education, Kongju National University of Education The aim of this study is to collect elementary school teacher's opinion about the 7th elementary social studies curriculum(NEW curriculum). I surveyed what elementary school teachers thought about the NEW curriculum. I asked the elementary teachers, most of them were graduate student of Kongju National University of Education, what was the problem of the NEW curriculum when they teach social studies. They pointed out 96 problems or questions about it. I categorized them as below. Elementary teachers pointed out, 1.. that they want to know 'the rational' of the NEW curriculum. 2. that there were a few errors on the elementary school social studies text books. 3. that the quantity of NEW curriculum was not decreased although curriculum developers asserted it. 4. that they have many problems in option activities when they teach social studies in classroom.