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본 연구의 목적은 사회문화교육내용이 산업사회의 발달과정에 어떻게 변천되어 왔으며, 각 시기별로 사회문화교육내용이 어떤 차이점을 가지는가를 분석하는 것이다.먼저 사회문화교육내용 변천은 한국 산업사회의 발달과정과 깊은 관련성을 가지고 산업사회발달 단계별로 특성을 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 초기 산업사회 단계의 사회문화교육내용은 체계화되지 않은 맹아적 형태였고, 산업사회 단계에서는 산업사회의 특성들에 대한 다양한 학술적 내용이 포함되었으나 개발독재 시기의 특성들을 반영하고 있으며, 후기 산업사회단계는 정보화와 더불어 민주화가 시작되는 시기로 사회문화교육내용에서도 그 이전과는 현저히 구분되는 특성을 가진다.

The Transition of Social-Cultural Education following the Advance of Industrial Society Hwang, Kap Jin Gyeongsang National University The purpose of this study is to trace the change of social-cultural education following the advance of industrial development. Especially, this study put focus on the comparison of textbook contents in 1970, 1985, 2000 or thereabouts. As results, the following conclusions have been made. First, the trends of social-cultural education has been changed according to the advance of industrial development stage in Korea. In the early stage of industrial society, social-cultural education remained in the state of embryo without systematic treatment of sociological concepts in the textbook contents. In the second stage of industrial society, social-cultural education became more systemized than before including important basic concepts of sociology. However, the treatment of social trends was deeply distorted under the influence of despotic regime. In the post-industrial society, social-cultural education could be distinguished from the former era and included more contents on the characteristics of democratic and information-oriented society. Second, the social-cultural education textbooks had special characters in accordance with each period. In the early stage of industrial society, social-cultural education included many historic and combined contents. In industrial society, social-cultural education put focus on explaining basic concepts and policy. and in the post-industrial society, social-cultural education emphasized students' research with various materials of practical life. To conclude, for the development of social-cultural education textbook, it is required to be value-free when introducing social facts and trends. Also, it is necessary to have teachers participate in the process of textbook development.

The Transition of Social-Cultural Education following the Advance of Industrial Society Hwang, Kap Jin Gyeongsang National University The purpose of this study is to trace the change of social-cultural education following the advance of industrial development. Especially, this study put focus on the comparison of textbook contents in 1970, 1985, 2000 or thereabouts. As results, the following conclusions have been made. First, the trends of social-cultural education has been changed according to the advance of industrial development stage in Korea. In the early stage of industrial society, social-cultural education remained in the state of embryo without systematic treatment of sociological concepts in the textbook contents. In the second stage of industrial society, social-cultural education became more systemized than before including important basic concepts of sociology. However, the treatment of social trends was deeply distorted under the influence of despotic regime. In the post-industrial society, social-cultural education could be distinguished from the former era and included more contents on the characteristics of democratic and information-oriented society. Second, the social-cultural education textbooks had special characters in accordance with each period. In the early stage of industrial society, social-cultural education included many historic and combined contents. In industrial society, social-cultural education put focus on explaining basic concepts and policy. and in the post-industrial society, social-cultural education emphasized students' research with various materials of practical life. To conclude, for the development of social-cultural education textbook, it is required to be value-free when introducing social facts and trends. Also, it is necessary to have teachers participate in the process of textbook development.