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중국에서 애국주의 운동은 1990년대 들어 급변하는 세계정세 및 국내정세의 변화에 따른 반작용으로부터 시작되었다. 특히 1당이 국가를 지배하는 사회주의 중국의 특성상 애국주의 운동은 중국 정부의 애국주의 교육 강화 지침에 따라 전 사회적인 운동으로 번져나갔고, 초등 사회과 교육에서도 애국주의가 중요한 내용을 차지하게 되었다. 이로 인해 통합교과인 중국 초등 ‘社會’에는 중국의 역사, 지리, 문화, 국정에 대한 이해 및 이를 통한 자긍심 고취 등 애국주의 내용을 포함하게 되었다. 또한 '品德與社會'도 내용의 기술에 있어서는 ‘社會’에 비해 중국의 고대 역사 및 문화에 대한 지나친 미화가 줄어들긴 했지만, ‘세계에 우뚝 서는 중국’이라는 새로운 애국주의 요소를 하나 더 추가하여 여전히 ‘중화민족’의 우월성을 강조하고 있다. 본 연구에 따르면 중국 초등사회과의 애국주의 교육 내용은 ① 유구한 역사와 문화에 대한 특별한 강조 ② 근현대사 및 중국 공산당의 업적 강조 ③ 지역적 특수성에 대한 이해와 국토에 대한 사랑의 강조 ④ 통일된 다민족 국가에 대한 강조 ⑤ 중국의 경제적 성장 및 국제적 지위 향상을 통한 자긍심 고취 등이 중심 내용을 이루고 있다.

Analysis of Patriotic Education in Elementary Social Studies of China Kim, Jeong Ho Seoul Baekseok Elementary School Patriotic movement in China has been started from 1990 as a reaction of the rapidly changing world and domestic situation. Especially, under the system of a party government in socialism country, Chinese government enhanced patriotism in their education and soon it became a big social movement all over the country. In elementary social studies, patriotism was considered importantly. Therefore, in 1990‘s ‘社會’, understanding patriotism and instilling a sense of pride was included besides history of China, geography, culture and politics. In 2000's '品德與社會', excessively glorifying expressions about ancient history of China and its culture has been reduced but still the new patriotic explanations were emphasizing the excellence of Chinese. According to this study, patriotic education in elementary social studies of china was shown on 1. special emphasis of its long history and culture 2. emphasis of accomplishment achieved by chinese communist party in the modern times 3. emphasis of love and understanding on its geographic characteristics and country 4. emphasis of unified multiracial nation 5. instilling pride by emphasizing the economic growth of China and its international position.

Analysis of Patriotic Education in Elementary Social Studies of China Kim, Jeong Ho Seoul Baekseok Elementary School Patriotic movement in China has been started from 1990 as a reaction of the rapidly changing world and domestic situation. Especially, under the system of a party government in socialism country, Chinese government enhanced patriotism in their education and soon it became a big social movement all over the country. In elementary social studies, patriotism was considered importantly. Therefore, in 1990‘s ‘社會’, understanding patriotism and instilling a sense of pride was included besides history of China, geography, culture and politics. In 2000's '品德與社會', excessively glorifying expressions about ancient history of China and its culture has been reduced but still the new patriotic explanations were emphasizing the excellence of Chinese. According to this study, patriotic education in elementary social studies of china was shown on 1. special emphasis of its long history and culture 2. emphasis of accomplishment achieved by chinese communist party in the modern times 3. emphasis of love and understanding on its geographic characteristics and country 4. emphasis of unified multiracial nation 5. instilling pride by emphasizing the economic growth of China and its international position.