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본 연구는 중국의 지리 평가에 대한 외형적 및 내용적 특성을 고찰한 것이다. 주요 분석 자료는 최근 5년간(2004-2008년도) 중국의 대학입학시험인 ‘보통고등학교초생전국통일고시 문과종합능력측시 전국권 Ⅰ, Ⅱ’ 에 출제된 지리 평가 문항이다. 중국의 지리 평가의 외형적 특성으로는 편집 방식 면에서 A4 크기의 용지에 1단으로 편집되는 책자형 방식을 취하고 있었으며, 선택제와 비선택제 등 2개 권(卷)으로 편성되어 있었다. 문항 구조 면에서 선택형 문항은 모자료 아래, 서답형 문항은 대제 아래에 하위 문항들이 포섭되는 세트형 구조를 가지고 있었다. 그리고 문항 요소 면에서 단위 문항은 ‘지시문-모자료-문두-답지’ 등 네 요소로 구성되어 있었다. 내용적 특성으로는 행동 영역 면에서 선택형이나 서답형 문항 모두 탐구 지향적 성격이 강하였다. 주제 영역 면에서 선택형은 계통 지리적 주제, 서답형은 지역 지리적 주제가 많이 다루어졌으나, 양자 모두 자연 지리와 경제 지리 내용의 비중이 높은 공통점을 가지고 있었다. 그리고 자료 구성 면에서는 지도 보다는 그래프 자료가 많이 등장하였고, 자료는 단순하지만 관련 문항은 비교적 질 높은 사고를 요하도록 구안되어 있었다. 한편 중국에서는 지리, 역사, 정치 등 세 과목의 통합형 문항이 출제되고 있다는 점과 문항 공모제가 시행되고 있다는 점 등은 우리에게 시사하는 바가 크다.

This study aims to elucidate the features of the geography test of China from the perspectives of form and content. For this study, test items of geography for Chinese College Scholastic Aptitude Test from 2004 to 2008 were examined. With regard to the formal aspect, the test had a booklet format (A4 size) and the booklet consisted of two parts: multiple choice question part and open-ended question part. Each question was consisted of a set. Each set had a direction for the whole set followed by instructive materials, sub-questions, stem items and multiple choices. With respect to content, both multiple choice questions and open-ended questions were inquiry-oriented type questions. Regarding themes of geography dealt in the test, multiple choice questions were mostly on systematic geography and open-ended questions were mostly on regional geography. Both types of questions included high proportion of physical geography and economic geography. Graphs were more frequently used in the test than maps and students should use thinking skills to answer the questions. One of the distinguishing characteristics of Chinese geography test items was that they were integrated item of geography, history and politics.

This study aims to elucidate the features of the geography test of China from the perspectives of form and content. For this study, test items of geography for Chinese College Scholastic Aptitude Test from 2004 to 2008 were examined. With regard to the formal aspect, the test had a booklet format (A4 size) and the booklet consisted of two parts: multiple choice question part and open-ended question part. Each question was consisted of a set. Each set had a direction for the whole set followed by instructive materials, sub-questions, stem items and multiple choices. With respect to content, both multiple choice questions and open-ended questions were inquiry-oriented type questions. Regarding themes of geography dealt in the test, multiple choice questions were mostly on systematic geography and open-ended questions were mostly on regional geography. Both types of questions included high proportion of physical geography and economic geography. Graphs were more frequently used in the test than maps and students should use thinking skills to answer the questions. One of the distinguishing characteristics of Chinese geography test items was that they were integrated item of geography, history and politics.