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이 논문은 법교육의 한 방법으로서의 사례중심 토론수업의 기본 모형을 제안하는 것이다. 사회과의 한 분야로서 법교육은 법의 기본 개념과 원리를 이해시킴으로써 법적 분쟁을 합리적으로 해결하는 능력을 향상시키고 자발적으로 법을 준수하는 태도-즉, 법적 시민성-을 육성하는 것을 목표로 한다. 이런 본질적인 목표를 달성하기 위해 법교육은 강의식 수업보다는 구체적인 법적 사례를 중심으로 토론수업이 이루어져야 한다. 사례중심의 토론수업은 단지 법률적 지식을 일방적으로 전달하는 강의식 수업과 달리 실제의 법적 사례에 기초한 토론을 통해 관련된 주요 법적 개념과 원리를 가르침으로써 법교육의 본질적인 목표를 효율적으로 달성할 수 있다. 이러한 사례중심의 토론수업은 (1)법적 사례의 인식, (2)법적 쟁점의 확인, (3)법적 근거의 탐색, (4)법적 판단의 도출과 정당화, (5)판결문의 작성 및 발표의 과정을 거쳐 진행된다. 많은 경험적인 연구들은 사례중심의 토론수업이 전통적인 강의식 수업보다 법교육의 본질적인 목표를 달성하는데 더 효과적임을 보여주고 있다.

Case-based Discussion as Teaching Method of Law-Related Education Park, Sang-Joon lecturer in Chunchen National University of Education This article is to propose the model of case-based discussion(CBD) as a teaching method of law-related education(LRE). LRE aims to bring up law-related citizenship as a part of social studies education. Law-related citizenship means understanding of basic concepts and principles of law, skill of legal problem-solving, attitude of law-abiding. To bring up law-related citizenship in LRE, educators must teach the basic concepts and principles of law, legal problem-solving, attitude of law-abiding through CBD. CBD proceeds through five steps in class: (1)Awareness of legal case, (2)Inqury of legal foundation, (3)Making legal judgements and its justification, (5)Writing the decision. Many researches reveal that CBD is more effective to achieve essential goals of LRE than traditional method of lecture.

Case-based Discussion as Teaching Method of Law-Related Education Park, Sang-Joon lecturer in Chunchen National University of Education This article is to propose the model of case-based discussion(CBD) as a teaching method of law-related education(LRE). LRE aims to bring up law-related citizenship as a part of social studies education. Law-related citizenship means understanding of basic concepts and principles of law, skill of legal problem-solving, attitude of law-abiding. To bring up law-related citizenship in LRE, educators must teach the basic concepts and principles of law, legal problem-solving, attitude of law-abiding through CBD. CBD proceeds through five steps in class: (1)Awareness of legal case, (2)Inqury of legal foundation, (3)Making legal judgements and its justification, (5)Writing the decision. Many researches reveal that CBD is more effective to achieve essential goals of LRE than traditional method of lecture.