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교과교육에 있어서 평가에 대한 연구는 핵심점인 위치에 있다고 생각된다. 그리하여 한국 교육계에 있어서도 평가교육에 대한 연구는 많은 주목을 받아 왔다. 그간 사회과교육계에는 객관식 선택형 평가가 미국의 영향하에서 중심적 지위를 차지해 왔다. 이는 미국의 실증주의 교육사상에 입각하여 객관성, 타당성, 합리성을 고양할 수 있는 좋은 평가법이라고 보아 강력하게 실시되었던 것이다. 그러나 최근에는 수행평가가 등장하여 객관식 선택형의 미비점을 극복하려는 흐름이 강하게 나타나고 있다.본 논문은 이러한 한국 사회과교육계의 평가현황을 유의하면서, 왜 한국에는 고유한 교과교육 평가이론이 존재하지 않는가에 대한 문제인식을 갖고 집필되었다. 그리하여 한국에 고유한 평가이론을 옛 서원교육에서 출발점을 잡고 연구를 진행하였으며, 한국의 평가이론은 미국식 실용주의 철학과는 매우 다르다는 점을 밝혔다.한국의 전통적 사회과교육에 있어서 우리의 고유한 평가기준은 ‘가리사니’의 존재이다. 그것은 성리학적 도학(道學)의 입장에서 학문적 깨달음이 핵심임을 뜻한다. 이는 미국식 철학과는 근본적으로 다른 것으로서, 학문을 보는 우리 민족의 원초적 주체성을 말한다고 생각된다.

The Exploration of Garisani Evaluation Philosophyin Social Studies by Korean National Tradition An Cheun Seoul National University of Education It is known that they have focused the studies of the curriculum on those of evaluation. So the studies of evaluation have been attractive in Korean academic circle of education. The multiple choices tests in social studies have been much influenced by the American tests so far. That's because they consider multiple choices as the desirable way to enhance objectivity, validity, and rationality on the ground of American positive philosophy and they have been executed in most cases. But in recent times the performance evaluation appeared in order to make up for the weaknesses of the multiple choices exams. Focusing on the present situation of social studies evaluation conducted in Korea, this paper is being progressed about why there have not been the native evaluation theories in Korea. So this thesis has found the Korean native evaluation theories at the old Seo-won(Korean private university) education and made it clear that Korean native theories of evaluation is different from American pragmatic philosophy. The peculiar criterion of evaluation in traditional Korean social studies education is the existence of 'Garisani'. It means getting to be awakened in academics is the core of the moral philosophy. It is totally different from the American philosophy. This paper sees it as an epitome of the Korean People's original identity toward the academic learning.

The Exploration of Garisani Evaluation Philosophyin Social Studies by Korean National Tradition An Cheun Seoul National University of Education It is known that they have focused the studies of the curriculum on those of evaluation. So the studies of evaluation have been attractive in Korean academic circle of education. The multiple choices tests in social studies have been much influenced by the American tests so far. That's because they consider multiple choices as the desirable way to enhance objectivity, validity, and rationality on the ground of American positive philosophy and they have been executed in most cases. But in recent times the performance evaluation appeared in order to make up for the weaknesses of the multiple choices exams. Focusing on the present situation of social studies evaluation conducted in Korea, this paper is being progressed about why there have not been the native evaluation theories in Korea. So this thesis has found the Korean native evaluation theories at the old Seo-won(Korean private university) education and made it clear that Korean native theories of evaluation is different from American pragmatic philosophy. The peculiar criterion of evaluation in traditional Korean social studies education is the existence of 'Garisani'. It means getting to be awakened in academics is the core of the moral philosophy. It is totally different from the American philosophy. This paper sees it as an epitome of the Korean People's original identity toward the academic learning.