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본 연구에서는 사회과 통합에 대한 교육계의 요구와 사회과 기초 학문의 지식 체계 및 사회과 교육목적이라는 세 축을 중심으로 통합 수준과 통합적 내용 구성 방안을 모색하였다. 이를 위하여 사회과 통합의 필요성에 대한 근거를 확인하고, 학문적 정체성을 해체하는 수준의 통합의 어려움을 분석하여, 우리나라 현실에서 적용 가능한 내용 통합의 수준과 구조를 제안하였다. 그리고 본 연구에서 제시한 통합의 수준과 구조 속에서 가르치고 배울 교육 내용이 어떻게 선정되고 구조화될 수 있는지를 구체적인 사례를 중심으로 제시하였다.

The Level and Methods of Social Studies Integration Park, SunMee This paper analyze the level and methods of social studies integration focusing on three interrelated aspects -demands from society for integrating three subfields in the social studies (geography, history, and civics), knowledge structure of social sciences, and purpose of social studies. For this, the author identifies the necessities for integration, argues that integration that might dissolve the identity of each subfield is not desirable, and suggests appropriate level and structure of integration in which discipline boundaries should be sustained but 'softened'. Further, the author illustrates how this suggested framework (level and structure of integration) can be utilized in actual learning and teaching practices by providing substantial case.

The Level and Methods of Social Studies Integration Park, SunMee This paper analyze the level and methods of social studies integration focusing on three interrelated aspects -demands from society for integrating three subfields in the social studies (geography, history, and civics), knowledge structure of social sciences, and purpose of social studies. For this, the author identifies the necessities for integration, argues that integration that might dissolve the identity of each subfield is not desirable, and suggests appropriate level and structure of integration in which discipline boundaries should be sustained but 'softened'. Further, the author illustrates how this suggested framework (level and structure of integration) can be utilized in actual learning and teaching practices by providing substantial case.