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청소년은 미래 사회의 주역이기 때문에 그들이 어떤 시민성을 함양하는가는 중요하다. 현재와 미래의 민주주의와 사회 발전을 위해서 청소년은 시장메커니즘과 개인주의에 바탕을 둔 계약적 시민성보다는 공동체적인 유대와 덕목에 바탕을 둔 공동체적 시민성을 함양할 필요가 있다. 이러한 시민성을 함양하는 데 있어서 기존의 가정, 학교, 대중매체 등의 정치사회화 방식은 한계를 가진다. 이 한계를 극복할 하나의 대안으로서 봉사활동에의 참여를 들 수 있다. 봉사활동을 통한 시민성함양 효과 즉 봉사학습효과는 참여민주주의론, 경험중심 학습론에 의해서 이론적으로 지지되며 경험적 연구결과에 의해서도 뒷받침되고 있다. 봉사학습구조는 선행요인, 봉사활동의 특성, 봉사자의 속성, 성찰과 반성, 개인의 변화, 제도 등의 요소로 구성된다. 이 중에서 성찰과 반성이 봉사학습효과를 낳는 데 있어 중요 요소이다. 우리의 현행 봉사활동은 봉사학습효과를 최대화시키는 데 있어서는 미흡한 점이 많다. 사전준비와 교육의 부족, 입시문화의 지배, 성찰과 반성과정의 결여, 체계적인 봉사활동 프로그램 미비 등이 봉사학습효과를 최대화시키는 데 있어서 걸림돌이 되고 있다. 이러한 점을 개선하여 봉사학습효과를 최대화하기 위하여 준비-행동-평가의 일련의 절차에서 봉사학습구조의 각 요소들이 유기적으로 체계화되도록 봉사활동이 지도될 필요가 있다.

A Study on the Service-Activities Guidance for Adolescents as a Means of Citizenship Cultivation- focused on the service-learning effects - Young-In Kim Korea Institute of Curriculum & Evaluation Adolescents playing an important role in the future society, it is important what citizenship they cultivate and are cultivated. For the development of future democracy and society, it is necessary for adolescents to cultivate not contractual citizenship based on market mechanism and individualism, but communal citizenship based on bonds and virtues. The existing institutions for political socialization like families, schools, mass media, has reached the limits in cultivating the communal citizenship. An alterative proposal for overcoming these limits can be service-activities. The effects of cultivating citizenship through the service-activities, that is, service-learning effects, are supported by participatory democratic theory and experience-based educational theory. They are also backed up by the results of empirical research. The structure of service-learning, one aspect of service-activities, is composed of antecedents, attributes of service, attributes of server, individual changes, reflection, institutions. It can be said that reflection is an important factor for improving service-learning effects. Our existing service-activities leave much to be desired for bringing maximum service-learning effects. For this reason, it is needed to guide service-activities with systematizing organically the factors of service-learning structure into the continuous procedure, i.e. preparation-action-evaluation.

A Study on the Service-Activities Guidance for Adolescents as a Means of Citizenship Cultivation- focused on the service-learning effects - Young-In Kim Korea Institute of Curriculum & Evaluation Adolescents playing an important role in the future society, it is important what citizenship they cultivate and are cultivated. For the development of future democracy and society, it is necessary for adolescents to cultivate not contractual citizenship based on market mechanism and individualism, but communal citizenship based on bonds and virtues. The existing institutions for political socialization like families, schools, mass media, has reached the limits in cultivating the communal citizenship. An alterative proposal for overcoming these limits can be service-activities. The effects of cultivating citizenship through the service-activities, that is, service-learning effects, are supported by participatory democratic theory and experience-based educational theory. They are also backed up by the results of empirical research. The structure of service-learning, one aspect of service-activities, is composed of antecedents, attributes of service, attributes of server, individual changes, reflection, institutions. It can be said that reflection is an important factor for improving service-learning effects. Our existing service-activities leave much to be desired for bringing maximum service-learning effects. For this reason, it is needed to guide service-activities with systematizing organically the factors of service-learning structure into the continuous procedure, i.e. preparation-action-evaluation.