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사회과 현장학습의 평가는 현장학습 과정에서 나타나는 학습자의 시민성 습득 과정을 있는 그대로 그려내어 ‘좋은 시민성(good citizenship)’ 함양을 위한 교사의 비계설정(scaffolding)에 실제적인 도움을 줄 수 있는 방법으로 이루어져야 한다. 이런 관점에서 보았을 때, 학습과 평가 장면이 일치하지 않는 결과위주의 정량평가 방법보다는 현장학습의 총체적인 맥락에서 학습자의 사고와 행동의 변환 과정에 정교하게 개입할 수 있는 정성평가 방법이 현장학습에 어울리는 평가 기법들을 제공한다고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 본고는 사회과 현장학습에 적용할 수 있는 정성평가 방법으로 일화기록, 포트폴리오, 체크리스트, 자기평가, 성장파일 만들기, K-W-L Chart 등을 범주화하여 살펴보고, 이러한 정성평가 방법이 일견 지니고 있는 문제점으로 비판되고 있는 비과학적비체계적인 ‘방법적 난삽함’을 해결하려는 시도로서 정성적 방법론에 기초한 성립요건들을 자연성, 합치성, 전이가능성의 측면에서 제시하였다.

The Methods and Initial Conditions of Qualitative Assessment in Social Studies Action Learning Kim, Yong Sin Education Advisor of Seoul Education Training Institute The assessment of social studies action learning(SSAL) can depict learners' citizenship and help teachers' scaffolding to develop good citizenship authentically. SSAL has a lot of value as to learning process. It gives actual class, deepen thinking, and creative ability to students. In this perspective, the assessment of SSAL matches with qualitative assessment more than quantitative evaluation because this bases on static aspects but that focuses on dynamic situations. The methods of qualitative assessment for SSAL are anecdotal record, portfolio, check list, self assessment, growth profile, and K-W-L Chart. These are used to measure level of learners' citizenship in whole action learning processes. A teacher can adapt one or more methods in account of action learning contexts and themes, for example anecdotal record is main assessment technique and check list is subsidiary, or portfolio and growth profile is used equally to assessment of SSAL. A important point of this study is arguments about initial conditions of qualitative assessment, naturality, fitness, and transferability. As to qualitative methodology, naturality means describing assessment data in action learning context precisely, fitness means the same between being written and real facts, and transferability means sharing assessment results among participants. Consequently these definitions about corroboration provide views to resolve methodical problems of qualitative assessment to be called triangulations.

The Methods and Initial Conditions of Qualitative Assessment in Social Studies Action Learning Kim, Yong Sin Education Advisor of Seoul Education Training Institute The assessment of social studies action learning(SSAL) can depict learners' citizenship and help teachers' scaffolding to develop good citizenship authentically. SSAL has a lot of value as to learning process. It gives actual class, deepen thinking, and creative ability to students. In this perspective, the assessment of SSAL matches with qualitative assessment more than quantitative evaluation because this bases on static aspects but that focuses on dynamic situations. The methods of qualitative assessment for SSAL are anecdotal record, portfolio, check list, self assessment, growth profile, and K-W-L Chart. These are used to measure level of learners' citizenship in whole action learning processes. A teacher can adapt one or more methods in account of action learning contexts and themes, for example anecdotal record is main assessment technique and check list is subsidiary, or portfolio and growth profile is used equally to assessment of SSAL. A important point of this study is arguments about initial conditions of qualitative assessment, naturality, fitness, and transferability. As to qualitative methodology, naturality means describing assessment data in action learning context precisely, fitness means the same between being written and real facts, and transferability means sharing assessment results among participants. Consequently these definitions about corroboration provide views to resolve methodical problems of qualitative assessment to be called triangulations.