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사회과교육의 특징과 우리의 교실 현장을 고려할 때 사회과에서 웹-기반 수업은 웹에서 제공하는 멀티미디어 자료의 활용, 수준별 수업, 간학문적 통합 수업, NIE수업을 비롯한 시사 자료 활용 수업, 가치태도 수업, 온라인 시뮬레이션, 토의 수업 등에 특히 잘 활용할 수 있다. 특히 토의 수업에서 웹을 활용하면 학생들의 참여 기회를 확대할 수 있고, 웹의 시간과 공간제약성의 극복으로 동시다발적인 토의 활동이 가능하게 하며, 학생의 흥미와 관심을 충분히 고려할 수 있고, 폭넓은 안목을 신장시킬 수 있으며, 글읽고 쓰는 능력을 향상하고, 그래프, 동영상 등의 활용으로 흥미로운 수업을 전개할 수 있다.

Implications of web based discussion in Social Studies instruction. Jeong, Moon Seong Inchon National University of education The purpose of this study is to suppose some implications of web based discussion in Social Studies instruction. Web has become an increasingly powerful, global, interactive, and dynamic medium for sharing information. Web-Based Instruction(WBI) can be veiwed an innovative approach for delivering instruction to a remote audience. Web is also inovative physical means by which the instructional message is communicated. According to the theories and practices of WBI in Social Studies, we can effectively use online multimedia resources, online simulation, newspapers, and engage in differenciated instruction, interdiscipline approach in integrated class, character education, and online discussion. There are especially several benefits, improving writing and reading, deepening and widening students' insights, enjoying exciting learning for selecting topics which one likes, in web based discussion in Social Studies.

Implications of web based discussion in Social Studies instruction. Jeong, Moon Seong Inchon National University of education The purpose of this study is to suppose some implications of web based discussion in Social Studies instruction. Web has become an increasingly powerful, global, interactive, and dynamic medium for sharing information. Web-Based Instruction(WBI) can be veiwed an innovative approach for delivering instruction to a remote audience. Web is also inovative physical means by which the instructional message is communicated. According to the theories and practices of WBI in Social Studies, we can effectively use online multimedia resources, online simulation, newspapers, and engage in differenciated instruction, interdiscipline approach in integrated class, character education, and online discussion. There are especially several benefits, improving writing and reading, deepening and widening students' insights, enjoying exciting learning for selecting topics which one likes, in web based discussion in Social Studies.