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‘인권’은 인간이 태어남과 동시에 얻게 되는 ‘인간으로서의 권리’이다. ‘인권’에 대한 재조명은 현재의 시간뿐 아니라 앞으로 다가올 미래사회를 대비하기 위하여 반드시 필요한 요소이며 특히 학교교육에 있어서 반드시 구현되어져야 할 교육의 목적 또는 내용이라 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 사회과교육과 관련하여 ‘인권’, ‘인권교육’의 의미를 탐색하고 대표적인 국내 헌법학자들의 기본권분류체계 이론의 분석을 통하여 독자적인 기본권 분류체계틀을 구성, 이에 비추어 제6·7차 교육과정상 초등학교 5·6학년 사회과에서의 인권교육 관련 내용 요소 분석을 그 내용으로 한다. 연구의 결과, ‘기본권’ 또는 ‘인권’으로 명시 되어 있지는 않았지만 사회과교육의 내용에는 기본권과 관련한 인권교육 내용요소가 상당부분 내재해 있었다. 따라서 사회과교육의 한 영역 또는 재량활동, 특별활동 등을 통한 인권교육이 충분히 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 이를 위한 학교인권교육과 관련된 교과내용 및 목표의 체계화를 위한 노력이 뒤따라야 한다. 더불어 국가적·사회적으로 합의된 인권교육 체계의 정립이 시급하다고 생각되며 그에 따른 국가주도의 적극적인 노력도 함께 이루어져야 할 것이다.

Human rights is ?he right as human being?which he is endowed with from birth. The research of ?uman rights?is essential factor to prepare for now and coming future society and the object and content of human rights education that should be realized particularly in school education. This study is to research ?uman rights?and ?uman rights education related to social studies education and establish unique basic classification system through analysis of the contents about the fundamental rights of universal declaration of human rights and constitution. Then this study is to analyze the contents related to human rights in the sixth and seventh curriculum on the basis of the fundamental rights classification system. The results are as follow: There are several content of human rights education in the contents of social studies education. But they don? be named as ?undamental rights?or ?uman rights? Therefore I judge that human rights education can be realized by an area of social studies education or discretionary activities and extracurricular activities and so on. I think it needs to organized contents and goals of studies concerning human rights. Also, a system of human rights is to be established quickly on the basis of the agreement from social and national points in order to apply human rights to school.

Human rights is ?he right as human being?which he is endowed with from birth. The research of ?uman rights?is essential factor to prepare for now and coming future society and the object and content of human rights education that should be realized particularly in school education. This study is to research ?uman rights?and ?uman rights education related to social studies education and establish unique basic classification system through analysis of the contents about the fundamental rights of universal declaration of human rights and constitution. Then this study is to analyze the contents related to human rights in the sixth and seventh curriculum on the basis of the fundamental rights classification system. The results are as follow: There are several content of human rights education in the contents of social studies education. But they don? be named as ?undamental rights?or ?uman rights? Therefore I judge that human rights education can be realized by an area of social studies education or discretionary activities and extracurricular activities and so on. I think it needs to organized contents and goals of studies concerning human rights. Also, a system of human rights is to be established quickly on the basis of the agreement from social and national points in order to apply human rights to school.