초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Study on Female New Residence Sekers Work Values: A Contextual Approach from North Korea to South KoreaThe job problem of female new residence seekers is a core actor for them to adapt themselves to the South Korean society. Reflecting that, unlike male new residence seekers, the female counter-South Korea as wel as North Korea. The job prob-lem of female new residence seekers is required to be analyzed apart from mens cases. In this regard, this study focuses on the job problem of female new residence seekers. The reasons for and the background of the changes in work values of the female new resi-dence seekers include the process of their political ic cris in North Korea, schol education in North Korea, capitalism they tasted in North Korea and a third country, information on the South Korean society, work experiences in North Korea and a third country and South Korea, social service ex-periences in South Korea, recognition of the South Korean society, discrimination, inferiority, and Korean society, intensification of family ties they experience after entering South Korea, un-certainty about aged people declining years, and a carer aptitude test they went through after enter-ing South Korea.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

extrinsic work values, intrinsic work values, the background of changes in work values, value orientation, contextual approach