초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Behind the arguments between Seoul and Washington over the proper strategy for dealing with North Korea lies a nascent but growing gap in the long-term interests of the United States and South Korea. While both countries want to prevent North Korea from obtaining weapons of mass destruction or launching a war, their larger strategic goals are no longer fully allied. While South Korea seeks reconciliation and eventual reunification to enhance its long-term security and economic prospects, the United States, particularly since President George W. Bush came to power, is concerned with maintaining its global military dominance. These differences not only complicate joint efforts to solve the DPRK problem, but in the long run could also signal difficulties for the continuation of America’s strategic role in Northeast Asia. Given that a military response is not realistic, the only options for dealing with North Korea are either containment or engagement. Should the U.S. pursue the former while South Korea chooses the latter, the U.S. ability to direct events will be seriously challenged.

Behind the arguments between Seoul and Washington over the proper strategy for dealing with North Korea lies a nascent but growing gap in the long-term interests of the United States and South Korea. While both countries want to prevent North Korea from obtaining weapons of mass destruction or launching a war, their larger strategic goals are no longer fully allied. While South Korea seeks reconciliation and eventual reunification to enhance its long-term security and economic prospects, the United States, particularly since President George W. Bush came to power, is concerned with maintaining its global military dominance. These differences not only complicate joint efforts to solve the DPRK problem, but in the long run could also signal difficulties for the continuation of America’s strategic role in Northeast Asia. Given that a military response is not realistic, the only options for dealing with North Korea are either containment or engagement. Should the U.S. pursue the former while South Korea chooses the latter, the U.S. ability to direct events will be seriously challenged.