초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Unification, a historic and societal event, may cause many conflicts and crises rather than bringing blessings and benefits to both Koreas if not sophisticatedly planned and properly managed. Mass migration is likely to trigger social disorder, and widening wealth gap between the two Koreas may intensify class conflict in a unified Korea. Ideological and cultural heterogeneity will even more act as a serious hindrance in integration and identity formation in a newly unified Korea. Enormous hostility and distrust will be a great burden for social integration in unified Korea. This paper argues that four possible solutions are needed to be addressed for successful integration and new identity formation. First of all, social chaos and conflict should be minimized through the remedies of economic and institutional measures; secondly, social cohesion and new identity should be strengthened by new visions, principles and values; thirdly, practical programs of conflict transformation healing and counseling should be addressed; and lastly, proper management of internet and cyber information are needed to reduce social conflict and identity crisis after unification in Korea.