초록 열기/닫기 버튼

筆者翻檢李氏朝鮮時代所遺留的漢文典籍, 常見有言及‘大明紅’者. 然而‘大明紅’究屬何物? 目前社會已經人少知曉; 又爲何受人如此重視? 中韓學人亦迄今未見論述. 筆者以此爲專題進行探討. 經過檢討, 我們可以弄清楚‘大明紅’是一種花卉, 最多可能是蜀葵之類的植物. 不過依據韓國漢文典籍的記述, 可知‘大明紅’是一個與古代朝鮮社會和民族情感密切關聯的人文詞彙, 而非物種實名. 正如成海應·許傳等所言, 作爲朝鮮民族緬懷明朝的一種精神寄託形式, 它並非一定對應著某一種花卉, 而很可能是以蜀葵爲主的數種花卉的統稱. 從物種考實而言, 這似乎是一個沒有結論的結論; 然而從人文考究而言, 它在特定的歷史背景下被賦予了豐厚的文化成份在內, 也就成爲極具探究價值的一種事物. 從中外關係史角度看來, ‘大明紅’的歷史文化意義非同小可.

‘Da Ming Hong’ has been intoned and praised by the common, especially by scholars in Korean Peninsula for a long time. It was their favorite which expressed their emotions. However, up to now, the phenomenon has been ignored in scholar circles. By studying poems about it carefully, we find that ‘Da Ming Hong’ is nothing more than a sort of flower straw, it represents both the feelings of cherishing the memory of Ming Dynasty and the close cultural relation between Korean Peninsula and China in Ming Dynasty. However, the cultural relation was estranged gradually in Qing Dynasty because the Korean considered that there was no one but themselves who legitimately succeeded the culture of Ming Dynasty. The feelings of cherishing the memory of Ming Dynasty were permeated into the whole Korea society during that period, and scholars expressed the feelings by intoning and praising ‘Da Ming Hong’.