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최근 사회기반시설(SOC) 뿐만 아니라 여타 국책사업에서도 민간투자의 적용여부를 검토하고 있다. 정부의 사회기반시설에 대한 투자비중이 감소하면서 민간투자에 대한 관심이 고조되고 있다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 수익형 민자사업은 지난 1995년 관계법령이 제도화 된 이후에도 기대만큼 활성화되지 못하였으며, 특히 지방에서의 수익형 민자사업은 더욱 침체되었다. 민자사업은 국가가 관리하는 사업과 지방자치단체가 관리하는 사업으로 대별할 수 있다. 그 가운데 지자체 관리사업은 주로 광역수준에서 추진되었는데 사업배경 및 진행 등에 관한 정보나 연구도 없이 산발적으로 이루어지고 있는 실정이었다. 이에 본 연구는 정부, 민간사업자, 소비자의 행위자의 거버넌스 구조 내에서 지방 민간투자의 촉진요인을 규명하려고 하였다. 지방민간투자의 촉진요인 실증분석결과 정부요인으로는 중앙정부의 건설보조금이, 민간사업자에 대한 유인요인으로서 지방시장의 여건 성숙, 소비자 측면에서는 지역주민에 대한 개별적 보상(보상비) 보다는 집단적인 수혜(경제개발비)가 영향력이 더 컸다. 반면 지방민간투자를 추진하는 영향요인이 될 수 있을 것으로 가정하였던 지방재정부족, 지자체의 정치적 성향 등은 민간투자를 촉진하는 요인이 되지 못하였으며, 민간투자법상의 제도적 유인요소도 일부만이 한시적으로 지방민간투자 촉진에 기여하였으므로 그 영향력이 낮은 것으로 분석되었다.

Government’s interest in promoting a number of new public construction projects, the issue of PFI(Private Finance Initiative), in which capital is borrowed from private investors in an attempt to make up for insufficient financial resources, is being raised. However, PFI for BTO(Build-Transfer-Operate) projects in Korea can essentially be described as sluggish, while the projects in local communities is more sluggish after enacting the Private Finance Initiative Act(PFIA) in 1995, which hinders the local economic growth and regional development that is closely associated with SOC construction. This study presents an approach to the promotion of PFI in local infrastructures. This study first determined the stakeholders in local PFI projects, in order to produce indices for research analysis. The major stakeholders were identified as the public sector (government), private businesses(special purpose company: SPC), and consumers (local residents). The following are the results of the analysis, with participants as an exogenous variable. First, despite the fact that in theory the provision of public services through PFI in local areas should be led by local governments, the reality shows that construction subsidies are provided depending on the plans and the needs of the state. Secondly, the macroscopic environment(conditions) of local markets had a greater influence than factors in the Private Finance Initiative Act(PFIA) in terms of inducing the active participation of private business owners. Thirdly, In other words, local residents showed a sensitive response to earnings, such as local development and compensation expenses deriving from the local SOC project. Local economic development expenses are compensation for the group of consumers in a region. This study showed that if there is personal compensation for property right holders, the collective compensation size has a greater influence on local SOC projects than personal compensation.

Government’s interest in promoting a number of new public construction projects, the issue of PFI(Private Finance Initiative), in which capital is borrowed from private investors in an attempt to make up for insufficient financial resources, is being raised. However, PFI for BTO(Build-Transfer-Operate) projects in Korea can essentially be described as sluggish, while the projects in local communities is more sluggish after enacting the Private Finance Initiative Act(PFIA) in 1995, which hinders the local economic growth and regional development that is closely associated with SOC construction. This study presents an approach to the promotion of PFI in local infrastructures. This study first determined the stakeholders in local PFI projects, in order to produce indices for research analysis. The major stakeholders were identified as the public sector (government), private businesses(special purpose company: SPC), and consumers (local residents). The following are the results of the analysis, with participants as an exogenous variable. First, despite the fact that in theory the provision of public services through PFI in local areas should be led by local governments, the reality shows that construction subsidies are provided depending on the plans and the needs of the state. Secondly, the macroscopic environment(conditions) of local markets had a greater influence than factors in the Private Finance Initiative Act(PFIA) in terms of inducing the active participation of private business owners. Thirdly, In other words, local residents showed a sensitive response to earnings, such as local development and compensation expenses deriving from the local SOC project. Local economic development expenses are compensation for the group of consumers in a region. This study showed that if there is personal compensation for property right holders, the collective compensation size has a greater influence on local SOC projects than personal compensation.