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After 1990's in South Korea, several female writer started feminine writing through recovering body and sexual discourse. Writer Heekyoung, Eun was representative over 1990's. She's feminine writing started from <Mother's body -demount> Through 'Body' and 'Sex', new life of feminine is spread out. She repeatedly asked who is the owner of female body and sex. Inaddition Feminine-identity is constructed which is connected with Body. As she started writing by body's sensory and cognition, she overcame over all prejudice of ideology. So she get not deceived several biased view, had achived and suggesed wise vision escaping pains from prejuidice. she talked about World with body-subject, escaping several ideology. She evidently emphasized that feminine identity has to establish for oneself.

After 1990's in South Korea, several female writer started feminine writing through recovering body and sexual discourse. Writer Heekyoung, Eun was representative over 1990's. She's feminine writing started from <Mother's body -demount> Through 'Body' and 'Sex', new life of feminine is spread out. She repeatedly asked who is the owner of female body and sex. Inaddition Feminine-identity is constructed which is connected with Body. As she started writing by body's sensory and cognition, she overcame over all prejudice of ideology. So she get not deceived several biased view, had achived and suggesed wise vision escaping pains from prejuidice. she talked about World with body-subject, escaping several ideology. She evidently emphasized that feminine identity has to establish for oneself.