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The purpose of this article is to study the representation of evil and it's aesthetic expression in Kim Seung-ok' novels. The content of this study is as follow. First, the idea of evil in Kim Seung-ok' novels appears as vulgarity and falsehood. The disillusion about that appears the sophisticated language of city, daily life based on selfishness and an exchange value, rationality and enlightenment symbolized with 'systematic life' and a forward-looking posture, capitalistic struggle which change the sensibility. The subjectivity is sometime recognized as evil in society. But it becomes affirmative thing or something surpassing good and evil in Kim Seungp-ok's novels. It means resistance to vulgarity. The subjectivity of Kim Seung-ok' characters figured as sense and fantasy, delusive inner world. The more important thing is third figures wandering between fantasy and daily life. The dilemma of these figures appears as disillusion and melancholy. The melancholy is the feeling originated from refusal to the daily life. Therefore, the deviation of figures which symbolized with 'Mujin' means an absolute being. And this means rejection of self-preservation and absence of future. Their decadent pathos is an eager desire for pure idea and salvation.

The purpose of this article is to study the representation of evil and it's aesthetic expression in Kim Seung-ok' novels. The content of this study is as follow. First, the idea of evil in Kim Seung-ok' novels appears as vulgarity and falsehood. The disillusion about that appears the sophisticated language of city, daily life based on selfishness and an exchange value, rationality and enlightenment symbolized with 'systematic life' and a forward-looking posture, capitalistic struggle which change the sensibility. The subjectivity is sometime recognized as evil in society. But it becomes affirmative thing or something surpassing good and evil in Kim Seungp-ok's novels. It means resistance to vulgarity. The subjectivity of Kim Seung-ok' characters figured as sense and fantasy, delusive inner world. The more important thing is third figures wandering between fantasy and daily life. The dilemma of these figures appears as disillusion and melancholy. The melancholy is the feeling originated from refusal to the daily life. Therefore, the deviation of figures which symbolized with 'Mujin' means an absolute being. And this means rejection of self-preservation and absence of future. Their decadent pathos is an eager desire for pure idea and salvation.