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If we looks at the newly changing concept of novel around 1910s, we can realize that 'fact' and 'present' were the focus in writing descriptive novels during the time as a distinctive feature differentiated from the those of previous generation. The new style fiction of the 1910s as well as enlightening description of the 1900s seeks to find values among factual relations though they were fictional creatures. Novel was not recognized for its proper value as it is fiction compared to history, the record of actual events. But the public awareness over novel started to change as it became organic structure that could show the truth, not the fictional story. The fact that records and facts about life were valued as new components of novel at the time indicates one of the major points forming korea's modern literature. For students who got western education in Japan and sought to establish themselves as modern subjects based upon the education, literature should secure truth. We can find the cues of novelizing their actual experiences or historical events in works by Jang Eung-jin, Lee Kwang-su, Hyeon Sang-yun and Yang Geon-sik, the initial group of students studying abroad. Focus on 'fact' is also located in works in Dongin magazine in 1920s in that it was useful means for guaranteeing the truth of text. But, artistic configuration became more important than the emphasis on facts, as the novel as a genre was acquiring autonomy gradually though surely the 'fact' or personal experiences as writing materials were required to secure the truth of the story. That is, the 'fact' in this regard, should be viewed as one of the process of becoming art needed for literary configuration. In this regard, the process from 'fact' to 'fictional' configuration in Korea's initial modern novel history indicates not only the change of the concept of novel, but also the path to modern novel as a practice of art.