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이 논문은 김이태의 「식성」과 한강의 「채식주의자」를 중심으로 음식과 성 별권력의 상관관계에 관해 살펴본 연구이다. 오늘날 음식은 단순한 일차적 섭 취물만이 아닌 문화적 기호와 다양한 형태의 상징으로 사용된다. 특히 육식문 화는 음식물의 획득과 손질과정이 공격적이고 강한 힘을 필요로 하기 때문에 남성상위와 여성하위의 구조로 이해되기도 했다. 음식문화사적으로 볼 때 육 식을 할 수 있는 자는 권력자였다. 그리고 그 권력자는 최상위에 위치한 지배 자나 가장(家長)인 남성이 대부분이었다. 오늘날 이 구조는 많이 완화되었지 만 여전히 잔재하고 있다. 「식성」과 「채식주의자」의 주인공들은 모두 여성이며 육식에서 채식으로의 식성변화 과정을 겪는다. 「식성」의 언니는 육식만을 선호하다가 육류의 본거 지인 미국에서 단백질로 상징되는 남성의 정액을 삼키고 난 후 육식거부자가 된다. 「채식주의자」의 아내는 과거에 아버지가 개를 죽인 사건과 그에 대한 죄의식이 현재 ‘꿈’을 통해 인식되면서 채식주의자가 된다. 그 과정에서 이들 은 육식이 함의한 성별권력을 인식하고 육식위주의 식생활이 결국 폭력과 맞 닿아 있음을 인식한다. 그러나 그에 대응하는 방식은 각기 다르다. 「식성」의 언니는 육식을 선호했던 자신의 삶이 병적이었다는 것을 알고 절로 들어가는 자기치유를 선택한다. 그러나 「채식주의자」의 아내는 채식주의자로 변하면서 일탈행동을 하고 새를 물어서 죽이는 자기파괴로 귀결된다. 이를 통해서 두 작품 모두 지배층의 가부장적 가치체계를 부인하고, 여성성과 수평성에 대한 경외심을 지지하고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 본고에서는 이러한 과정을 「식성」과 「채식주의자」에 등장하는 인물들의 시 점과 서술을 통해서 인물들의 인식 상태를 확인하고, 나아가 인물간의 인식 차이를 자크 라캉의 ‘시선’과 ‘응시’의 개념을 바탕으로 문제제기 했다.

As mentioned above, you have looked into relation between food and authority to be given to 「food habit」 of Kim I tae and 「the vegetarians」 of Han Kang. Food is not primary in take substance but is used nowadays to symbols of the cultural taste and various forms of symbol. Specially, meat-eating culture has brought out the dichotomy composition such as androcentric power and subordinate position of women. This paper has looked into visual art theory of Jacques Lacan in order to inquire the relation between meat-eating and authority to be given to 「food habit」 and 「the vegetarian」. Jacques Lacan explains a category of the examples with a concept called gaze and stare. The gaze is a step having a limit of the recognition the subject just can read the object but cannot know that other can read themselves. On the other hand, the stare is a step extending the recognition of the subject can not only read the object, but also recognize that other can read them, likewise. The younger sister who is ‘me’ in 「food habit」, and the husband who is ‘me’ in 「the vegetarian」 read their sister and wife only on their places so stay at the step that they cannot know why they were changed to a vegetarian carry the limit of recognition. However, the elder sister of 「food habit」 and the wife of 「the vegetarian」 are extensible of their recognition as they go forward to the steps of stare to read themselves standing on others' places. Moreover, their stay at their gaze and expansion of stare are connected to recognition or not about meat-eating and authority, meat-eating and identity problem. The sister of 「food habit」 is a person studying a doctor course which is the highest degree of study, and the wife of a vegetarian is engaged in a simple low class position. Their present professional states are connected to meat-eating and the authority aspects. The elder sister of 「food habit」 is presented as a sexless woman like the authorities that she has, as experts are producing knowledge over the range of whole society, and the world is proceeded with the base of the knowledge. On the other hand, the wife of 「the vegetarian」 stay at the lowest in home as like she is engaged in lower-class labor, and appears with figure of the typical popular class. By the way, both of these women recognize the ‘identity’ called woman while realizing the oppression that meat-eating has. While the elder sister of 「food habit」 is studying in the United States which is the base of meat, she recognizes the violence of meat-eating as she recognizing the meat standardization work of multinational corporations symbolized semen intake and standardization of international food culture through it. The wife of 「the vegetarian」 recognize violence in our society relating the figure of her father who killed cruelly the dog which grew in home in her childhood, her husband who regards meat-eating as right, and eyes of surrounding people with the image called murder. In addition, it ends in they deny the patriarchy value system of the ruling class, and support feminine power and reverence regarding the nature that their food habits changed into vegetarians.

As mentioned above, you have looked into relation between food and authority to be given to 「food habit」 of Kim I tae and 「the vegetarians」 of Han Kang. Food is not primary in take substance but is used nowadays to symbols of the cultural taste and various forms of symbol. Specially, meat-eating culture has brought out the dichotomy composition such as androcentric power and subordinate position of women. This paper has looked into visual art theory of Jacques Lacan in order to inquire the relation between meat-eating and authority to be given to 「food habit」 and 「the vegetarian」. Jacques Lacan explains a category of the examples with a concept called gaze and stare. The gaze is a step having a limit of the recognition the subject just can read the object but cannot know that other can read themselves. On the other hand, the stare is a step extending the recognition of the subject can not only read the object, but also recognize that other can read them, likewise. The younger sister who is ‘me’ in 「food habit」, and the husband who is ‘me’ in 「the vegetarian」 read their sister and wife only on their places so stay at the step that they cannot know why they were changed to a vegetarian carry the limit of recognition. However, the elder sister of 「food habit」 and the wife of 「the vegetarian」 are extensible of their recognition as they go forward to the steps of stare to read themselves standing on others' places. Moreover, their stay at their gaze and expansion of stare are connected to recognition or not about meat-eating and authority, meat-eating and identity problem. The sister of 「food habit」 is a person studying a doctor course which is the highest degree of study, and the wife of a vegetarian is engaged in a simple low class position. Their present professional states are connected to meat-eating and the authority aspects. The elder sister of 「food habit」 is presented as a sexless woman like the authorities that she has, as experts are producing knowledge over the range of whole society, and the world is proceeded with the base of the knowledge. On the other hand, the wife of 「the vegetarian」 stay at the lowest in home as like she is engaged in lower-class labor, and appears with figure of the typical popular class. By the way, both of these women recognize the ‘identity’ called woman while realizing the oppression that meat-eating has. While the elder sister of 「food habit」 is studying in the United States which is the base of meat, she recognizes the violence of meat-eating as she recognizing the meat standardization work of multinational corporations symbolized semen intake and standardization of international food culture through it. The wife of 「the vegetarian」 recognize violence in our society relating the figure of her father who killed cruelly the dog which grew in home in her childhood, her husband who regards meat-eating as right, and eyes of surrounding people with the image called murder. In addition, it ends in they deny the patriarchy value system of the ruling class, and support feminine power and reverence regarding the nature that their food habits changed into vegetarians.