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본고는 민족서사로 다루어지는 이광수의 「삼봉이네 집」(1930~31)이 여성 의 육체적 타락에 얽힌 스캔들을 채용한 ‘정조(貞操) 서사’라는 데서 출발했 다. 함께 다룬 작품은 흔히 통속소설로 일컬어지는 「순정해협」(1936)과 ꡔ순애 보ꡕ(1939)로 세 작품은 정조의 <발명-타락-구원>으로 이어지는 동일한 틀 을 보여준다. 신소설부터 이어진 정조서사의 30년대적인 특징과 더불어 30년 대 초반부터 후반에 이르는 정조서사의 변화는 본문에서 언급했다. 세 작품이 공유하고 있는 틀, 즉 정조가 발명된 이상 타락할 수밖에 없고 이는 구원되어 야 한다는 틀을 본고에서는 ‘정조 서사의 판타지’로 명명했다. 정조 서사는 정 조의 타락을 재단하는 낡은 이데올로기, 그리고 정조의 타락을 구제하고자 동 원하는 미래의 전망이 교차되는 곳이다. 그 양상의 하나로 정조 판타지 속에 서 재탄생하는 여성상과 남성상을 함께 문제 삼았다.

The study analyzes women's 'moral' corruption, one of the most famous theme of the novel since the early 20th century in Korea. Moral women has been regarded as having the virginity or physical fidelity to her husband by confucian ideas. Three novels, Sambong's Family(1931), Love Strait(純情海 峽, 1937), and Romantic Love Song (殉愛譜, 1939) have the typical story pattern of women's moral corruption. Three works have the formula, so-called 'Men's fantasies of the women's chastity' in common although Lee Kwang-soo's Sambong's Family has become known to be the 'pure literature' about a korean nationalist but the others to be the 'popular literature'. The formula of the fantasy story is a pattern which is the embodiment of the female's chastity and the male's salvation of the chastity. It gives amusement to readers through the sensational scandal about women's physical corruption but turns out to be a moral drama. Interestingly, the modern women(新女性) and modern men(新男性) are made to the end of the moral drama but two of them cannot have their own sexualities. The formula of the chastity fantasy is the one of the most effective methods for identifying the dialectic between the old ideology and the utopian prospect of novel. The fantasy shows the old chastity ideology and the modern project for rescuing corrupt women through the nation(in Sambong's Family) or great humanity(in the other two works).

The study analyzes women's 'moral' corruption, one of the most famous theme of the novel since the early 20th century in Korea. Moral women has been regarded as having the virginity or physical fidelity to her husband by confucian ideas. Three novels, Sambong's Family(1931), Love Strait(純情海 峽, 1937), and Romantic Love Song (殉愛譜, 1939) have the typical story pattern of women's moral corruption. Three works have the formula, so-called 'Men's fantasies of the women's chastity' in common although Lee Kwang-soo's Sambong's Family has become known to be the 'pure literature' about a korean nationalist but the others to be the 'popular literature'. The formula of the fantasy story is a pattern which is the embodiment of the female's chastity and the male's salvation of the chastity. It gives amusement to readers through the sensational scandal about women's physical corruption but turns out to be a moral drama. Interestingly, the modern women(新女性) and modern men(新男性) are made to the end of the moral drama but two of them cannot have their own sexualities. The formula of the chastity fantasy is the one of the most effective methods for identifying the dialectic between the old ideology and the utopian prospect of novel. The fantasy shows the old chastity ideology and the modern project for rescuing corrupt women through the nation(in Sambong's Family) or great humanity(in the other two works).