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규훈서(閨訓書), 즉 조선시대 여성교육서는 여성을 교화하기 위해서 번역되어 간행되었지만 한편으로는 여성의 문자교육서로 기능하였다. 한글사용이 보편화되기 이전에 간행된 『내훈』의 언해문은 한글글쓰기의 전범을 보여줌으로써 한글문화가 형성되는 과정에서 중요한 역할을 하였다. 『여훈언해』와 『여사서』는 한문원문에 독음과 구결을 달고 있는데, 이는 사대부 남성이 경전을 학습할 때 이용하였던 경전언해와 동일한 방식이다. 이러한 언해방식은 여성이한글뿐 아니라 한문까지도 익힐 수 있는 방편이 됨으로써 여성-한글, 남성-한문으로 구별되는 문자체계의 변화에 영향을 주었다. 규훈서는 필사본을 통해서도 널리 읽혔다. 규훈서의 필사본은 간행본과 달리 한글로만 필사되어 있으며, 원본의 내용을 선택과 배제에 의해서 재구성하고 있다. 그리고 원문텍스트를 생략과 축약, 부연함으로써 텍스트를 변형하는 경향을 보이며, 이밖에 주석과 원문을 구분하지 않거나 주석을 자의적으로 해석함으로써 텍스트의 맥락이 원문과 달라지는 사례도 발견된다. 이 같은 필사본 규훈서의 변이는 원문에 대한 의식이 약화된 데에서 비롯되었다고 할 수있는데, 어구의 변화를 넘어서 규범에 대한 문제의식으로까지 발전하고 있다. 이러한 규훈서 학습의 능동적 측면은 문자를 통해 형성된 반성적 사유의 결과라고 할 수 있다.

This study is on books for ethical education of women in Joseon. From 15th century, many textbooks for ethical education of women were printed by dynasty. On the one hand, the purpose of those books was to reforms women for Confucian ideology, but on the other, was to educate women for reading and writing. Lesson for houswife(내훈) was the first textbook for ethical education of women written in classical chinese with korean endings and the translation of original text. This bilingual text form resulted from the thought that Hangeul, the Korean own alphabet, was imperfect and had no authority. All the more, Hangeul-literate public were not many in those days. So the print of 내훈 spread the Hangeul literacy of women. Lesson for women(여훈) printed in 17th century and Four books for women(여사서) in 18th century were also bilingual texts, but had the difference in the mode of chinese original text that has korean endings and pronunciations of the original texts. This mode of the text was general in the Confucian scriptures for first learning nobleman. Because of the korean endings and pronunciations, the first learner could learn the chinese text by himself. This was so for the women. Women could learn the chinese with the aid of the korean endings and pronunciations. So I thinks the printed ethical education for women effected the literacy of women and the weakening of diaglossia in late Joseon which discriminated man and women. Meanwhile, more general text of ethical education of women was not the printed but the transcribed. The ethical textbooks for women were transcribed only in Hanguel, so the changes of original text were inevitable. The changes range from omissions,contractions and amplifications to reinforcement of comments. These changes in transcribed women's ethical textbooks means the changes in thought about the Confucian ideology. The conversation of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law(명나라열녀설씨육부문답), the fictional and critical writing on ethics for women shows that the text transcribed in Hangual has the openness and autonomy, so it makes women to have critical mind.