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이 연구는 성인지 예산의 입법과정에 대한 것으로 2002년 의제화 단계에서 2006년 입법에 이르기까지 약 5년에 걸친 입법과정을 연구 대상으로 삼아, 성인 지 예산의 법제화를 둘러싼 입법과정의 특징을 분석한 것이다. 성인지 예산의 필 요성에 대한 빈약한 공감대에도 불구하고 어떠한 정치적 기회구조가 입법을 가능 하게 하였으며, 이러한 환경에서 입법의 주체들은 어떠한 전략을 사용하고, 어떠 한 자원들을 동원하였는지에 대하여 탐구하였다. 연구결과, 다음과 같은 점들이 성인지 예산 입법과정의 특징으로 나타났다. 첫째, 입법 추진의 정치적 기회구조가 확대되었다는 점이다. 성평등 현안의 해 결에 대하여 각 당이 모두 긍정적인 태도를 가지고 있었으며, 특히 여당이 성인지 예산을 총선공약으로 제시했고, 야당은 당별로 차이는 있으나 대체로 적극적이었 다는 점이다. 또한 여성의원 수가 증가하였을 뿐 아니라 여성의원 중 다수가 의정 활동을 펼치기 이전부터 성인지 예산 의제를 미리 인지하고 있었다. 둘째, 성인지 예산이 실현되기를 원했던 여성의원들은 초기에는 상임위원회나 본회의에서 질의하는 방식으로 기본적 의정활동을 통하여 이 현안을 풀고자 하였 으나, 이것이 용이하지 않자 제도화를 위한 다양한 연대의 전략을 구사하였다. 셋째, 이 과정에서 다양한 방식의 자원 동원이 있었는데, 정책간담회나 토론회 와 같은 기본적인 의정활동 자원을 활용한 것 이외에도, 서명운동, 기자회견과 보 도자료 뿌리기, 주요 의사결정자에게 서한보내기와 면담 등을 통하여 소관 상임 위원회의 결정을 밖으로부터 압박하였다는 점이다. 이 연구의 의의는 성인지 예산 입법과정에 대한 정치과정론적 분석의 시도라는 점에 있다. 여성의원들이 자신들 역시 입법의 주체이면서도 성인지 예산이라는 의제를 입법하기 위하여 시민단체의 사회운동과 유사한 방식을 채택하였다는 점 에 주목하였다.

This is a study of the legislation process for Gender-Responsive Budgets (GRB). I analyze the characteristics of the legislation process over a five year period for achieving the institutionalization of GRB. This includes the structure of political opportunity that made GRB legislation possible, the strategies woman-MPs used, and the resources they mobilized to counter the argument that such legislation was not necessary. A few findings are as follows. First, the political environment became more favorable. Each of the major parties had a positive attitude toward gender equality policies. In particular, the governing party had already announced the institutionalization of GRB as one of manifestos of the 17th general election. The number of woman-MPs increased, and many of them already recognized the GRB agenda. Second, woman-MPs who supported GRB initially pushed the government to institutionalize GRB by means of questions and advices in meetings of standing committees and in plenary sessions. This was not successful because the government was uncooperative at that time, so woman-MPs employed a variety of alternative strategies. Third, many resources were mobilized to communicate the importance of GRB legislation, including petitions, press interviews, press releases, writing letters to and interviewing decision makers besides policy bull sessions, conferences. These activities persuaded the standing committee to support the legislation. This study is the first attempt to apply the political process theory framework, which is a social movement theory. It is motivated by the observation that woman-MPs, even though they are the subjects of legislation, acting in the same way as an NGO to push the GRB agenda in the assembly.

This is a study of the legislation process for Gender-Responsive Budgets (GRB). I analyze the characteristics of the legislation process over a five year period for achieving the institutionalization of GRB. This includes the structure of political opportunity that made GRB legislation possible, the strategies woman-MPs used, and the resources they mobilized to counter the argument that such legislation was not necessary. A few findings are as follows. First, the political environment became more favorable. Each of the major parties had a positive attitude toward gender equality policies. In particular, the governing party had already announced the institutionalization of GRB as one of manifestos of the 17th general election. The number of woman-MPs increased, and many of them already recognized the GRB agenda. Second, woman-MPs who supported GRB initially pushed the government to institutionalize GRB by means of questions and advices in meetings of standing committees and in plenary sessions. This was not successful because the government was uncooperative at that time, so woman-MPs employed a variety of alternative strategies. Third, many resources were mobilized to communicate the importance of GRB legislation, including petitions, press interviews, press releases, writing letters to and interviewing decision makers besides policy bull sessions, conferences. These activities persuaded the standing committee to support the legislation. This study is the first attempt to apply the political process theory framework, which is a social movement theory. It is motivated by the observation that woman-MPs, even though they are the subjects of legislation, acting in the same way as an NGO to push the GRB agenda in the assembly.