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Environmental changes in corporate require an appropriate response while improving corporates‘ process and pursuing differentiated competitive strategies based on customer-value oriented paradigm. As today's competition tends to occur not between companies, but between product's supply-chains, an efficient supply-chain strategy is becoming more and more important to gain competitive advantage over rivalry companies. In this paper, it is analyzed that how four logistics driving elements (inventory, transportation, facilities, information) of supply-chain strategy (hereinafter SCS) in different industry influence the SCS. It is formulated a research model and then set up several hypotheses as follows. Hypothesis 1: The Supply Chain Strategy is different by industries in terms of SCS elements. Hypothesis 2: The Supply Chain Strategy is different by the inter-industry in terms of SCS elements. Hypothesis 3: The Supply Chain Strategy is different by manufacturing and services industry. 93 questionnaire sheets replied by manufacturing and service firms in metropolitan area were input for the analysis employing SPSS version 11.0. The results of the hypotheses are as follows. Significant differences were found in the SCS elements between manufacturing industry and service industry in particular in information in which manufacturing firms are usually focusing on efficiency while services firms were doing on responsiveness. And with regard to SCS in each industry, it is shown by responsiveness spectrum that manufacturing companies tends to adopt the strategy focused on efficiency while service companies were focused on responsiveness.

Environmental changes in corporate require an appropriate response while improving corporates‘ process and pursuing differentiated competitive strategies based on customer-value oriented paradigm. As today's competition tends to occur not between companies, but between product's supply-chains, an efficient supply-chain strategy is becoming more and more important to gain competitive advantage over rivalry companies. In this paper, it is analyzed that how four logistics driving elements (inventory, transportation, facilities, information) of supply-chain strategy (hereinafter SCS) in different industry influence the SCS. It is formulated a research model and then set up several hypotheses as follows. Hypothesis 1: The Supply Chain Strategy is different by industries in terms of SCS elements. Hypothesis 2: The Supply Chain Strategy is different by the inter-industry in terms of SCS elements. Hypothesis 3: The Supply Chain Strategy is different by manufacturing and services industry. 93 questionnaire sheets replied by manufacturing and service firms in metropolitan area were input for the analysis employing SPSS version 11.0. The results of the hypotheses are as follows. Significant differences were found in the SCS elements between manufacturing industry and service industry in particular in information in which manufacturing firms are usually focusing on efficiency while services firms were doing on responsiveness. And with regard to SCS in each industry, it is shown by responsiveness spectrum that manufacturing companies tends to adopt the strategy focused on efficiency while service companies were focused on responsiveness.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Supply Chain Management, SCM, logistics strategy, differentiation strategy, responsiveness, efficiency