초록 열기/닫기 버튼

There are over 250 MEAs dealing with various environmental issues which are currently in force. About 20 of these include provisions that can affect trade. The relationship between the provisions of the multilateral trading system and the use of trade measures pursuant to multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) received considerable attention.From the discussions held in the CTE, several opinions for reconciling any conflicting obligations between WTO provisions and trade measures taken pursuant to MEAs emerged. A first approach, which was referred to as the exante approach. A second approach, referred to as the expost approach. Other approach that would combine some or all of the elements of the two approaches mentioned above. The last approach, the existing provisions of GATT 1994 are adequate to deal with trade measures taken pursuant to legitimate environmental objectives contained in existing MEAs. This thesis aims at suggest an opinion for reconciling any conflicting obligations between WTO provisions and trade measures taken pursuant to MEAs.

멸종위기에 처한 야생 동·식물 종의 국제거래에 관한 협약(Convention on International Trade in Endanger Species of Wild Fauna and Flora : CITES)은 멸종위기에 처한 야생 동·식물의 보호를 위하여 1973년 워싱턴에서 개최된 국제회의에서 채택된 협약으로 동·식물의 국제거래의 규제를 주요 내용으로 하고 있다. CITES는 1975년 7월 1일 발효하였으며 2007년 3월 현재 당사국은 169개국이며 이중 약 138개국이 WTO 회원국이다.攀 이하 당사국 및 WTO 회원국의 수에 관한 정보는 다음 문서를 참조. WTO, Committee on Trade and Environment - Committee on Trade and Environment Special Session - Matrix on Trade Measures Pursuant to Selected Multilateral Environmental Agreements - Note by the Secretariat - Revision, TN/TE/S5 Rev.2, 2007. 5. 25, pp. 130~138.攀攀 우리나라는 1993년 10월 7일 가입하였다.