초록 열기/닫기 버튼

There are many overseas market research methods that exporting companies are using. Overseas market research methods is classified into a direct methods(direct visit research, use of overseas branch, use of domestic economic and trade informations, use of overseas economic and trade information, use of economic and trade informations of foreign public organization in Korea, representation of trade show and exhibition) and indirect methods(request of professional overseas market research organization). Outcomes of market research are the grasp of demand, competitiveness, distribution channel, risk and buyer for their product. Therefore, this paper is a study on the outcome of each direct market research method that exporting companies located in the area of Taegu and Kyeongbuk are using by way of a survey.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Overseas Market Research, Economic and Trade Information, Outcome of Overseas Market Research