초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The growth of online transactions and commerce has caused so many disputes. The main form to resolve such problems is ADR that is effective in settling disputes out of court and in a manner that is less formal than litigation in court. but ADR is not meet for the online transaction for speed, cost and open network system, ADR have some advantages that are convenience, Low-Cost, Legitimate to Online Users and Avoids Jurisdiction Issues and some disadvantages that are Loss of the Human Factor, Lack of Accessibility, Lack of Confidentiality and Security and Difficulty of Enforcing Arbitral Agreements. The On line ADR system having sweetness as its advantage will be the optimized model. On-line Dispute Resolution have many advantages that are convenience, low-cost, legitimate to online users and avoid jurisdiction issues. This study deal with the concept of ODR and it's nature, the utilities, merits and demerits and activations for Korea.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

E-Commerce, Alternative Dispute Resolution, On-line Dispute Resolution