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The recent development of state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology has enabled language testers to assess oral proficiency in a relatively robust manner. The validity of testing methods based on the ASR technology is now being explored in association with the efficacy of translation/interpretation. Given that dual language education is deemed more effective than immersion education (among various types of bilingual education) in an EFL setting such as Korea, it may be well worth the effort to incorporate the translation method in ASR-based computer oral proficiency tests. In this context, the present research attempts to investigate the extent to which an ASR and bilingualism-based approach to SLA testing meets the rigorous criteria of reliability and validity and has positive washback effects on SLA. The research findings strongly endorse the ASR and bilingualism-based approach to SLA testing. The survey also reveals that this approach exerts an overwhelmingly positive impact on the subjects' learning attitude and significantly facilitates the acquisition of oral proficiency.

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automatic speech recognition (ASR), computer-based oral proficiency interview (COPI), bilingualism, dual language education, Common Underlying Proficiency.Author: Choi, Inn-Chull (Korea University); icchoi@korea.ac.kr