초록 열기/닫기 버튼
This study examines the differential effect of four types of annotation on Korean incidental vocabulary learning in a multimedia reading setting and the interaction between learner’s cognitive style and annotation type by adult intermediate Chinese learners of Korean as a second language(N=43). As for the type of annotation, four groups were formed: A text annotation group, a picture annotation group, a text-picture mixed annotation group and a control group. And as for learners’ cognitive style, it was divided into the visualizer and verbalizer. After dividing the entire into 4 groups, homogeneity pretest, reading comprehension test, unannounced immediate vocabulary posttest were conducted. The study found that the text-picture mixed group and the picture annotation group outperformed the text annotation group and the control group on the vocabulary test. However, there was no significant interaction between annotation type and cognitive style. The results showed that text-picture mixed annotation and picture annotation facilitate incidental vocabulary learning and that they can be used as an complementary method to incidental learning of enormous amounts of low frequency vocabulary which cannot be sufficiently covered in current KSL curriculum.