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The purposes of this study were to show that language acquisition is optimized when circumstances are natural and to provide students with more chance to improve their English and geographical insight and to expand students' knowledge by educational immersion. This study was conducted over four months with 51 Kunsan-jeil High School students in 2006. They were divided into three groups: 16 eleventh graders for a 'native speaker-like' class(NSLC), 15 eleventh graders for a 'bilingual' class, and a 'team-teaching' class of all tenth graders. Each experimental group had ten lectures with geographical contents. The class started on November 9, 2006, and ended on February 22, 2007. The results of the quantitative study showed that a significant difference between the pre-test and the post-test of the NSLC class was made. However, the bilingual group data indicate that no significant difference existed between the pre-test and the post-test. Thus, the significant results of the high scores were a reflection of the English immersion. The results can be attributed to the condition in which only English was used. In addition to the quantitative analysis, we employed the qualitative approach to complement the results of this program. From the interview(1), we can find some remarkable information from student "L", one of the students who made most progress in NSLC. From the Post program interview(2) we can find some meaningful implications. The student "K" one of the students who showed no progress in NSLC said that the classes were a bit difficult depending the student's aptitude and interest. Just like student "K", student "I" one of the students who made most progress in BLC said that it was the class with difference compared to ordinary class. The last script is about student "P", one of the students who showed no progress in BLC. The student "P" could have an analytical learning style.