초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The present study explored the changes of Korean EFL learners’ English writing performance through genre-based instruction. Fourteen students, who participated in the study, were taught how to write an argument essay in 5 sessions. The participants’ pre/post/delayed-writing samples were collected before and after genre-based writing instruction. The data from the writings were analyzed in terms of text structure, argument quality, text length, and linguistic features including connectives, modalities, passives and voice. The results of the study indicated that the participants made an improvement in their text structure and argument quality, and that they showed a growth of text length in terms of words, clauses and sentences. In particular, the higher proficiency group made a more significant increase in text length than the lower proficiency group. As for the linguistic features, qualitative changes in the use of connectives and modal auxiliaries were noticeable in their post and delayed writings along with the quantitative changes. In addition, it was shown that post and delayed writings were written in more objective tone by using impersonal voice and passives than their pre-writings. From these findings, some suggestions were given in the end of the study.