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The object of this study was to offer basic necessary information to reduce job stress of agricultural teachers by studying agricultural job stress levels and relevant variations. The population consists of agriculture teachers from 19 agricultural high schools in Jeolla nam-do and Jeolla buk-do province at the time of April, 2002. The purposive sampling was used for this, and data from 168 teachers were analysed.The following conclusions are based on results derived from this study.First, the job stress levels of agricultural teachers are generally high. The factors that make stress levels high are social policies, relations to students, school work and wrapping practice management. Especially, the job stress level is high when they can't carry normal education to the low-level students. Therefore, many different methods of teaching should be developed to help agricultural teachers carry normal education. Moreover, wrapping practice class should be a teaching and learning class instead of management wrapping.Second, there was a meaningful difference in stress cognitive levels according to background variables such as charge in class, charge in practical wrapping, kinds of school, teacher career-years, majoring subjects, and ages. Therefore, it is necessary to make the best use of insentive systems like special bonus, and reduction of the teachers' weekly classes by versatilely analysing the variables related to agriculture teachers stress.