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이 연구는 수행비서의 역할과 직무를 구명하기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 이 연구 목적을 달성하기 위해 연구목표로는 1)수행비서를 정의하고 역할을 구명하며, 2)수행비서의 직무를 분석하고 핵심과업을 도출하는 것이었다. 이 연구는 주로 인터뷰와 설문조사를 통하여 수행되었고, 다음과 같은 결과들이 도출되었다. 첫째, 수행비서를 항상 상사와 동행하며 상사가 의사 결정을 하는 데 있어서 필요한 정보관리, 사무관리, 인사관리 등의 모든 지원을 하는 최고 보좌관으로 정의하고, 그 역할을 참모의 역할, 수행의 역할, 사무관리책임자의 역할, 정보관리자의 역할, 인사관리자의 역할로 구분하였다. 둘째, 수행비서 직무는 13개의 책무와 67개의 과업으로 도출되었고, 책무로는 일정관리 업무, 커뮤니케이션 업무, 전화응대 업무, 회의관련 업무, 내방객 응대업무, 문서관리업무, 수행 업무, 경조사 업무, 출장관리 업무, 개인 신상 보좌업무, 회계업무, 행사관리업무, 인사교육, 경영관련 업무 등 13가지가 도출되었다. 수행비서는 항상 상사와 동행하여 접근이 쉽지 않고, 그 수가 일반 비서에 비해 많지 않아 그동안 연구가 미흡했던 점을 고려할 때, 이 연구를 통하여 구명된 수행비서의 역할과 직무는 수행비서의 교육과 훈련 프로그램 개발의 근간이 되어 수행비서의 보다 효과적인 업무 수행에 기여할 것이다.

The purpose of this study is to identify roles and duties of the chief secretary. The research questions that guided this study are 1) to define the meaning and roles of the chief secretary, and 2) to analyze the duties and tasks of the chief secretary and to draw key tasks of the chief secretary. This study was mainly carried out through literature review, face-to-face interviews, and a survey. The study found that the chief secretaries are executive assistants who always accompanies their bosses and supports everything such as information management, office management, and human resource management. The roles of the chief secretary are to advise, to attend, to manage the office, to manage information, and to manage human resources. The results also reveal 13 duties and 67 tasks performed by the chief secretary. The 13 duties include managing schedules, communication, phone related duties, meeting related duties, visitor related duties, document management, attendant, family occasion duties, business trip related duties, personnel data assistant, accounting, event related duties, operational duties, and personal duties. Little research has been conducted on chief secretaries due to the limited access to them because chief secretaries always accompany their bosses and because the number of the chief secretary is less than other types of secretaries. Therefore, this study contributes to research of the secretary's field by identifying the roles and duties of the chief secretary, and it contributes to the practical education and work effectiveness of chief secretaries.

The purpose of this study is to identify roles and duties of the chief secretary. The research questions that guided this study are 1) to define the meaning and roles of the chief secretary, and 2) to analyze the duties and tasks of the chief secretary and to draw key tasks of the chief secretary. This study was mainly carried out through literature review, face-to-face interviews, and a survey. The study found that the chief secretaries are executive assistants who always accompanies their bosses and supports everything such as information management, office management, and human resource management. The roles of the chief secretary are to advise, to attend, to manage the office, to manage information, and to manage human resources. The results also reveal 13 duties and 67 tasks performed by the chief secretary. The 13 duties include managing schedules, communication, phone related duties, meeting related duties, visitor related duties, document management, attendant, family occasion duties, business trip related duties, personnel data assistant, accounting, event related duties, operational duties, and personal duties. Little research has been conducted on chief secretaries due to the limited access to them because chief secretaries always accompany their bosses and because the number of the chief secretary is less than other types of secretaries. Therefore, this study contributes to research of the secretary's field by identifying the roles and duties of the chief secretary, and it contributes to the practical education and work effectiveness of chief secretaries.