초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study was to analyze educational systems and situations for agricultural workforce in foreign countries, especially United States, France, Netherland, Denmark, Japan, China. The specific objectives were (1) to analyze school educational systems and situations for agricultural workforce in foreign countries, (2) to analyze the educational retraining systems and situations for agricultural workforce in foreign countries, (3) to fully analyze the implications through (1), (2). This study was conducted through an extensive review of literature related to educational systems and conditions of agricultural workforce of foreign countries and a panel of expert committee was held several times. Moreover, in deficiency of information, business trips to abroad to get sufficient information were sometimes conducted and foreign students were helpful to translate. As the result, through analysis of educational systems and situations for agricultural workforce in foreign countries, some implications were summarized as followings: ⑴ the concept of agriculture and agricultural education should be rebuilt and its vision, value and role should be established, ⑵ the agriculture related certification systems should be systematized in order that the profession of agricultural workforce could be advanced, (3) the educational and retraining systems reflected actual agricultural spot should be built, (4) longitudinal and lateral linkages of agricultural education institutes should be reinforced, (5) the systematic sharing system of the knowledge and information of agriculture should be established.