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이 논문은 비교적 성공적으로 운영되고 있는 우리나라의 대표적인 친환경 농산물 생산자 조직인 팔당생명살림과 그 회원들에 대한 경험적 분석을 통해, 기존 농식품 생산-소비 체계를 넘어설 수 있는 대안을 모색하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 조사 대상은 팔당생명살림 생산자 조합 회원 116명 중75명이었다. 팔당생명살림은 그 회원의 구성이나 사업을 위한 구조적 조건 면에서 기존의 관행 농가와 여러 가지 면에서 달랐다. 예컨대 지역적으로 수도권 상수도 보호 지역으로 생산물에 대한 시장 접근이 물리적으로 그리고 정치적으로 용이했다. 또 팔당생명살림의 회원들은 다른 농촌지역과는 달리 매우 젊고 교육수준이 높은 것으로 나타났는데, 이는 조직 성공의 중요한 요인이다. 팔당생명살림의 회원들은 소비자와의 교류 및 관계 확대를 중요시하고 있었다. 이는 팔당생명살림이 초기부터 가지고 있었던 공동체 지향적 이념, 젊고 의욕적인 사무국의 역할, 그리고 가입 때부터 가지고 있던 회원들의 높은 의식 때문이라고 할 수 있다. 팔당생명살림의 회원들이 가지고 있는 공동체에 대한 높은 관심은 앞으로 도농공동체 혹은 시민농업의 관계망을 만들어가는 데 중요한 자원이 될 수 있을 것으로 보인다.

This paper attempts to seek an alternative to overcome the existing agro-food system and its problem by an empirical analysis of an organic farmers' organization, i.e, Paldang Saengmyung Sallim(PSS). We have conducted a survey of 75 members of PSS to collect data ranging from their socio-economic situation to ideology to their view of the PSS. We found that PSS had special political context of being designated as conservation area since the river next to the farm was supplying tab water to the citizens of Seoul. This peculiar situation, along with it's easy access to the large market, enabled the members of PSS to concentrate in organic farming. We found that the members of PSS are quite young and well-educated unlike most Korean farmers in rural area. The members of PSS are very interested in expanding their relationship with consumers and urban residents. The PSS emphasizes community values based on food they produce and is interested in the revitalization of local economy. This is well matched with the concept of 'civic agriculture' introduced by Lyson in his book. We think what the PSS is doing can be a precious resource for building a community based on food to overcome the current food system, which alienates both producers and consumers.

This paper attempts to seek an alternative to overcome the existing agro-food system and its problem by an empirical analysis of an organic farmers' organization, i.e, Paldang Saengmyung Sallim(PSS). We have conducted a survey of 75 members of PSS to collect data ranging from their socio-economic situation to ideology to their view of the PSS. We found that PSS had special political context of being designated as conservation area since the river next to the farm was supplying tab water to the citizens of Seoul. This peculiar situation, along with it's easy access to the large market, enabled the members of PSS to concentrate in organic farming. We found that the members of PSS are quite young and well-educated unlike most Korean farmers in rural area. The members of PSS are very interested in expanding their relationship with consumers and urban residents. The PSS emphasizes community values based on food they produce and is interested in the revitalization of local economy. This is well matched with the concept of 'civic agriculture' introduced by Lyson in his book. We think what the PSS is doing can be a precious resource for building a community based on food to overcome the current food system, which alienates both producers and consumers.