초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study aims to examine the possibility of the revival of the peasant family farm, which has been raised in the course of North Korea's agricultural reform, and to analyse within the comparative sociological perspective whether the family farm can resolve the problem of agricultural crisis. Given that the family farm in such socialist societies as China and Cuba and in Western Europe and the 3rd World countries has been characterized by its crisis-management capabilities, cooperativeness, family-supporting system, stability of employment, etc., the introduction of market mechanism and the revival of family farm seem to be the best choice North Korea cannot help making under the current situations. But we must be careful not to be swayed by the mystification of family farm and the blind praise for the market mechanism. Globalization of agriculture is threatening the very survival of the family farms all over the world. Thus it is very problematic to insist that North Korean agricultural reform should be directed unconditionally towards the family farm system. On the contrary, we must investigate, on the basis of thorough examination of various forms of family farm, into the appropriate mode of production and organization best fitted for the North Korean conditions and into the alternative agricultural strategy which can be used to effectively resist the dominance of the giant agricultural corporations. The same can also be said for the case of South Korean agricultural restructuring.