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본 연구는 조선 초기에 운영되었던 성균관 구재의 기원과 운영에 대해 살펴보고 이를 통해 조선 초기의 성균관과 관련된 교육정책의 일단을 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구결과 조선 초기 성균관의 구재는 멀리는 한대의 전문학을 참고하고 고려시대의 사학 12도와 국자감의 구재에 그 기원을 두고 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 조선은 건국 초기 사회적 혼란을 최소화하기 위해 고려시대의 문물과 제도를 대부분 이어받았고, 성균관 운영에 있어서도 고려 말까지 운영되었던 구재를 이어받아 시행한 것이다. 특히 고려시대의 구재는 초기에는 칠재로 운영되었으나 고려 말 성리학이 도입되면서 경학을 강조하게 되어 구재 체제로 전환하였고, 따라서 성리학을 바탕으로 국가를 운영하고자 했던 조선시대에도 무리없이 이어질 수 있었다. 그러나 고려시대의 구재는 조선시대의 구재와는 다소 성격에 있어서 차이를 보이고 있다. 사학의 구재는 단순한 분반의 형식으로 이루어졌고, 국자감의 구재의 경우 초기 칠재는 분반을 하되 1경씩 전문교육을 실시하였으나 조선시대와 같이 승재의 개념은 적용하지 않았다. 구재로 개편되면서 사서재도 포함하여 조선시대와 같은 구재로 확대‧운영하였다. 조선시대의 구재는 제술에 치우치는 당시의 학풍을 개선하고 경학을 강조하고자 하는 목적으로 설치되었다. 운영의 기본은 사서재와 오경재로 대별하여 학습정도를 평가하여 상위의 재로 옮기고 효율적인 운영을 위해서 성적이 좋은 학생들에게는 과거시험에서 혜택을 주는 유인책도 활용하였다. 그러나 구재는 오래 지속되지 못하고 세조 때에 이르러 폐지되었다. 결론적으로 정책상으로는 유교정치의 강화를 위해 경학에 밝은 문관을 양성하기 위해 구재를 운영하였지만, 당시 세태에 따라 과거제도를 통해 입신양명하고자 하는 세속적 이해관계와 국가 운영의 측면에서는 강경보다는 제술이 더 필요했던 현실적인 이유에서 성균관의 구재는 더 이상 명맥을 유지하지 못하게 되었다.

The primary purpose of this study is to explore the educational policy related to Seonggyungwan in the early years of the Joseon Dynasty by examining the origin and management of Gujae of Seonggyungwan in the early Joseon Dynasty. To find out the origin and specific management, I reviewed related literatures. The result of this study indicated that Gujae of Seonggyungwan in the early Joseon was affected by Specialized Academy on Chinese Classics(專門學) of Han Dynasty and had its origin in Twelve Private School(私學十二徒) and Gujae of Gugjagam(國子監) of Goryeo. Joseon succeeded to the culture and social system of Goryeo in order to minimize the social confusion during the period of the nation's founding. Seonggyungwan also succeeded to the Gujae that had been run by the end of Goryeo. Especially, the Gujae of Goryeo which had begun with seven Jaes -Chiljae(七齋)- changed into the system of nine Jaes -Gujae- by Chinese Classics(經學) emphasized by the introduction of Sung Confucianism(性理學) in the end of Goryeo. Thus, this type of Gujae had easily endured in Joseon which was run being based on Sung Confucianism (性理學). However, the Gujae of Goryeo was somewhat different from that of Joseon. The Gujae of Private School was simply divided into classes whereas the early Gujae(or Chiljae) of Gugjagam was diveded into classes for each professional education but did not include idea of promotion. The Gujae of Joseon was established after Saseojae(四書齋) was included. The Gujae of Joseon was established with a goal to improve the academic tradition and emphasize the study of Chinese Classics(經學). The basic form of management was based on elevating the students to the upper class according to their achievements. For the efficient management, the incentives(the benefit in civil examination(科擧試驗) was offered to the students with a good academic achievement) were utilized. The Gujae was initially carried out at the policy level in order to train the Literati Officials(文臣) who were propound to the study of Chinese Classics and reinforce the Confucian Policy. However, the Gujae was closed due to the social mood that civil examination was considered as a means for social promotion and the practical reason that the nation's management more required the ability of writing compositions(製述) rather than understanding Chinese Classics.

The primary purpose of this study is to explore the educational policy related to Seonggyungwan in the early years of the Joseon Dynasty by examining the origin and management of Gujae of Seonggyungwan in the early Joseon Dynasty. To find out the origin and specific management, I reviewed related literatures. The result of this study indicated that Gujae of Seonggyungwan in the early Joseon was affected by Specialized Academy on Chinese Classics(專門學) of Han Dynasty and had its origin in Twelve Private School(私學十二徒) and Gujae of Gugjagam(國子監) of Goryeo. Joseon succeeded to the culture and social system of Goryeo in order to minimize the social confusion during the period of the nation's founding. Seonggyungwan also succeeded to the Gujae that had been run by the end of Goryeo. Especially, the Gujae of Goryeo which had begun with seven Jaes -Chiljae(七齋)- changed into the system of nine Jaes -Gujae- by Chinese Classics(經學) emphasized by the introduction of Sung Confucianism(性理學) in the end of Goryeo. Thus, this type of Gujae had easily endured in Joseon which was run being based on Sung Confucianism (性理學). However, the Gujae of Goryeo was somewhat different from that of Joseon. The Gujae of Private School was simply divided into classes whereas the early Gujae(or Chiljae) of Gugjagam was diveded into classes for each professional education but did not include idea of promotion. The Gujae of Joseon was established after Saseojae(四書齋) was included. The Gujae of Joseon was established with a goal to improve the academic tradition and emphasize the study of Chinese Classics(經學). The basic form of management was based on elevating the students to the upper class according to their achievements. For the efficient management, the incentives(the benefit in civil examination(科擧試驗) was offered to the students with a good academic achievement) were utilized. The Gujae was initially carried out at the policy level in order to train the Literati Officials(文臣) who were propound to the study of Chinese Classics and reinforce the Confucian Policy. However, the Gujae was closed due to the social mood that civil examination was considered as a means for social promotion and the practical reason that the nation's management more required the ability of writing compositions(製述) rather than understanding Chinese Classics.