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일본의 경우 로스쿨이 도입된 이래 대두되고 있는 문제점 가운데 하나가 연구자 양성의 문제이다. 기존의 연구자 양성방법은 조수(助手)제도와 일반대학원에서의 학위과정을 통해서 이루어졌지만 로스쿨을 졸업한 학생이 다시 학위과정을 밟거나 조수로서 연구자의 길을 지원하는 경우가 많지 않다. 이러한 문제를 에 대해서 여건이 좋은 몇몇 대학을 제외하고는 다양한 방법을 모색하고 있는데 이러한 노력에서 우리가 참고할 수 있는 것은 다음과 같은 것을 들 수 있다.먼저 로스쿨에서 학생들의 지적 호기심을 자극할 수 있는 충실한 강의를 행하고 커리큘럼의 내용을 다양화 하는 일이다. 재학 중 지적 자극을 받은 학생은 연구자의 길을 택할 가능성이 그 만큼 커질 것이다. 둘째로 일반대학원에 재학하는 학생들에게 충분한 장학금을 지급하고 조교로 채용된 예비연구자에 대해서도 어느 정도의 생활이 가능한 보수를 지급할 수 있는 제도를 정착시키는 일일 것이다.일본과는 달리 우리나라의 경우 로스쿨의 도입이 연구자의 양성에 어떠한 영향을 끼칠지 일률적으로 말할 수는 없지만 일본의 예에서 볼 수 있는 위의 노력은 충분히 참고할 가치가 있다고 하겠다.

An idea on securing a researcher in public law study after the introduction of law school system -Chiefly on the case of Japan-攀* Aassistant Professor, College of Law at Chonbuk National University攀攀Yoo, Jin-Sik* After the introduction of law school system in Japan, we can find the environment of producing a researcher in public law study has changed in some respects. First, the number of graduate school student has been considerably reduced in these three years. Second, it is difficult to secure the bright assistants who back up the securing a researcher system in Japan, because the lawyer who is a graduate of law school is generally reluctant to begin the career of a assistant. Many graduate schools in Japan have strived to solve those problems mentioned above but have not found the desirable solutions yet. Then, we can learn the lessons from the case of Japan as the followings; First, the law school should provide the student with the good program enough to stimulate the student's intelligent curiosity. It will lead a number of students to the road of a research. Second, the graduate school should provide the student with the sufficient scholarship and pay a good sum of salary to the pre-researcher such as an assistants.

An idea on securing a researcher in public law study after the introduction of law school system -Chiefly on the case of Japan-攀* Aassistant Professor, College of Law at Chonbuk National University攀攀Yoo, Jin-Sik* After the introduction of law school system in Japan, we can find the environment of producing a researcher in public law study has changed in some respects. First, the number of graduate school student has been considerably reduced in these three years. Second, it is difficult to secure the bright assistants who back up the securing a researcher system in Japan, because the lawyer who is a graduate of law school is generally reluctant to begin the career of a assistant. Many graduate schools in Japan have strived to solve those problems mentioned above but have not found the desirable solutions yet. Then, we can learn the lessons from the case of Japan as the followings; First, the law school should provide the student with the good program enough to stimulate the student's intelligent curiosity. It will lead a number of students to the road of a research. Second, the graduate school should provide the student with the sufficient scholarship and pay a good sum of salary to the pre-researcher such as an assistants.