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불평처리 및 회복 활동은 고객관계관리를 위한 중요한 활동임에도 불구하고 기업들은 불평처리전략을 효과적으로 수립하고 있지 않고 있으며, 효과적인 불평처리에 대한 연구도 드물다. 본 연구는 기업의 불평처리 프로세스를 구성하는 중요 단계들의 인과관계를 검정하고, 각 단계 사이에서 발생할 수 있는 상황변수를 조절변수로 고려하여, 상황에 따른 인과관계의 차이를 설명하고자 하였다. 분석결과, 불평고객과 처음 접촉하는 종업원의 역할이 매우 중요한 것으로 나타났으며, 고객들은 자신의 불평목적이 달성된 이후에 재구매의도를 높게 가진다. 또한, 불평을 하는 고객은 서로 다른 특성을 갖는 불평고객군으로 나뉘며, 주부그룹과 여성회사원그룹이 대표적인 불평고객군으로 나타났다. 불평처리 프로세스 사이에 영향을 미치는 상황변수로 불만족정도, 불평처리 전략방안 그리고 처리의 신뢰성이 설정되었으며, 전체그룹에서는 유의한 영향이 나타나지 않았으나, 불평고객군에서는 부분적으로 그 영향력이 유의하게 나타났다.

This study tested causal relationships within a complaint handling process in a manufacturing company through path analysis. Moreover, moderating effects of situational factors such as a degree of dissatisfaction, complaint handling strategies, and trustworthiness of a complaint handling was tested by moderated multiple regression. In summary, ‘a convenient complaint environment’ and ‘employees’ consulting service’ have positive effects on ‘effective consultation’ in dissatisfied customers. Effective consultation, in sequence, leads to satisfaction of complaint handling process quality and make dissatisfied customers recognize that their purpose of complaint is successively achieved. Detailed implications of this study will be following by two perspective: Causal relationships and Implementation of a complaint recovery. From the causal relationships perspective, service employees who directly contact with dissatisfied customers are playing critical role in a complaint handling procedure. In business practice, the tasks of the service employees focus on a consultation, which is operated by specific department of a company. Their responsibility is only a mitigation of temper. However, they must explain customers the cause of complaint and how company handle the complaints with reliability and assurance during consultation. Therefore, employees must have knowledge on the whole complaint handling procedure and have appropriate rights to handle the complaints. With knowledge and rights, employees can effectively consult with dissatisfied customers. Effective consultation that leads customers to have positive expectations on company’s complaint handling, impacts on the result satisfaction. Moreover, the effective consultation has direct/indirect influences on the result satisfaction. To consult effectively, emotional service is needed. Emotional service means adding emotional value, which comes from understanding customers situation and empathizes customer’s feeling. In other words, customers need warm-hearted words instead of a monetary compensation when they are in dissatisfactory situation. The result of this study highlights the importance of service employees who have emotional sensitivity. Customers who experienced dissatisfaction will return to business when their complaint purposes are successfully fulfilled. Through only favorable recognition of complaint handling process quality, a company does not guarantee customers’ return. From the point of view of a company, the customers’ return influences directly on company’s revenue. Moreover, when considering that less than 10% of customers who experience dissatisfaction complains to a company, the influence of customers complaint expends to company's customer foundation. In other words, customers who do not complain to a company is more likely to complain about their dissatisfaction to their nearby people(Word-Of-Mouth). Thus, companies actively register customers complaints and utilize them in order to prevent future failures. From operational view point, this study also provide several implications for effective complaint handling. According to the result of this study, complaining customers have different characteristics in accordance with their occupation. Resultantly, the housewives group and career women group are the major segments of complaining customers, different in most of aspects. This result supports that a company uses different strategies to handling complaints according to the complaining customer segments. In housewives group, there is an interaction between a degree of dissatisfaction and employee’s consulting service, compared in career women group that have an interaction between a degree of dissatisfaction and complaining environment. Such result that comes from different characteristics of segments supports the use of different strategies for the different segments. In this study, strategy for complaint handling is mainly ‘exchange’. A moderating effect of strategy between complaint handling process quality and result satisfaction was significant in career women group. This result implies that a company must prepare various handling strategies and use the strategies in accordance with a complaining situation. In housewives group, there is a significant moderating effect of trust of complaint handling between complaint handling process quality and result satisfaction. In low-trust of handling situation, the influence of complaint handling process quality on result satisfaction is greater than that of in high-trust of handling situation. This result supports that in low-trust situation customers need that their complaining purpose must be achieved by company. Complaint handling is a core service of a company, not a supplementary service of manufactured goods. By effective complaint handling companies could increase their overall level of service.