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이 연구는 조직혁신 과정에서 조직혁신 냉소주의가 가지는 부정적 효과를 살펴보고자 하였다. 조직혁신 노력에 대한 개인의 반응행동으로서 혁신과정에서의 이탈, 발언, 충성, 그리고 태만행동을 선정하였다. 이에 조직혁신 냉소주의가 혁신저항을 매개로 하여 이들 행동에 미치는 영향관계를 가설로 설정하였다. 국내 기업 중 경영혁신을 추진하였거나 또는 추진 중인 기업의 종업원들을 대상으로 설문을 조사하였다. 수집한 자료를바탕으로 가설 검증을 위해 공분산 구조분석을 실시하였다. 분석 결과, 조직혁신 냉소주의는 혁신저항을 매개로 이탈․태만행동에는 유의한 정의 영향을, 발언․충성 행동에는 유의한 부의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로, 연구의 이론적․실무적 함의, 한계, 그리고 연구방향을 제시하였다.

This study was intended to reveal the negative effect of cynicism about organizational innovation during organizational innovation. It has been suggested that cynicism about organizational innovation be key element of organizational innovation failure. It has been analysed that cynicism about organizational innovation affect job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior negatively in a few previous researches. But, It was not revealed which paths could be possible with the relation organizational innovation failure and cynicism about organizational innovation. So, this study was intended to reveal the relationship cynicism about organizational innovation and EVLN considering mediating role of resistance to organizational innovation. Meanwhile, It was selected to exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect behavior(EVLN) as performance indicators of organizational innovation. EVLN has been analysed that it would be a result of job dissatisfaction, psychological contract. But, EVLN could be important indicators of organizational innovation whether success or failure. Thus, it was hypothesized that EVLN would be affected by cynicism about organizational innovation via resistance to organizational innovation. Data was collected by questionnaires from Korea companies that organizational innovation has been completed, or is progressing. Hypotheses was verified by structural equation methods using these data. In result, it was revealed that exit and neglect be positively affected by cynicism about organizational innovation via resistance to organizational innovation, voice and loyalty negatively. Interestingly, the relationship of cynicism about organizational innovation and voice was mediated by resistance to organizational change both fully and partially. This study has several important implications to academics as well as practitioners. The academic contributions are as follows: First, it was about the result of cynicism about organizational innovation. It can be suggested that cynicism about organizational innovation would be cause about organizational innovation failure through organizational member’s uncooperative behavior. Second, it was mediating role of resistance to organizational innovation in the relationship of cynicism about organizational innovation and EVLN. It was because of resistance to organizational innovation that the effect of cynicism about organizational innovation toward EVLN was negative. Third, this study expanded with the study of EVLN revealing its another cause. As for practical implications, it was perceptions of employee’s cynicism most of all. Employee’s cynicism could be core cause of organizational innovation failure. It was tended to decide organizational innovation against the sight of employee of innovation. It will be resulted to organizational innovation failure. However, this study has some limitations. This study has not been performed longitudinally, considered the effect of demographic characteristics, and revealed the construct of EVLN separately. So, the future researches will be considered for these problems.