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The executive officer carry out the management of corporate business which authorized from the general meeting of stockholders or the board of directors. And sometimes, he will decide on a corporate mind to the business affairs. But it is not the organization stipulated by law but the practical business world. The Ministry of Justice, Republic of Korea, prepared the bill of amended Korean Commercial Act, partly revised Company Law on the Structure of Corporate Governance. It is a main content that make enact on the Executive Officer System. It was proclaimed on it by the several scholars, lawyers, an expert on the economy, a man of business and so on. So the bill was presented the National Assembly in 2006. But in this Article, in my opinion, opposed to the bill. the executive officer system is sufficient to use in the economic and business world. It is not necessary to the legislation. In point of fact, the establishment of the executive officer is free, in the scope of the corporate business law. Instead of, previously, legislated in 1999, the effective operation of a outside director or a audit committee is of great use.

The executive officer carry out the management of corporate business which authorized from the general meeting of stockholders or the board of directors. And sometimes, he will decide on a corporate mind to the business affairs. But it is not the organization stipulated by law but the practical business world. The Ministry of Justice, Republic of Korea, prepared the bill of amended Korean Commercial Act, partly revised Company Law on the Structure of Corporate Governance. It is a main content that make enact on the Executive Officer System. It was proclaimed on it by the several scholars, lawyers, an expert on the economy, a man of business and so on. So the bill was presented the National Assembly in 2006. But in this Article, in my opinion, opposed to the bill. the executive officer system is sufficient to use in the economic and business world. It is not necessary to the legislation. In point of fact, the establishment of the executive officer is free, in the scope of the corporate business law. Instead of, previously, legislated in 1999, the effective operation of a outside director or a audit committee is of great use.