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Civil law Study in the 21st century is full of new challenges and changes. traditionally, Civil law is based in the dualistic system - the subject of right is human, the other things are the subject. But A revolution has occurred in the private law. we have the emergence of subject. and new paradigm. In Early Modern society. Civil law is mainly the means of Dispute resolution. since then, Nowadays we emphasize the importance of Institutionalization from Policy Implications of view in the functional aspect of Civil law Our society is getting increasingly diversified. it cause many changes in Civil law. animal right is an example of theses changes. Dead body, the viscera, stem cells is treated as new thing not things also, in many countries The major talking point is Privatization. it means contracts. Our private law scholar don't make ready for this type of contracts. Now. Revised civil code is being debated in korea ministry of Justice. I hope the committee look at civil code from various angles.