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지방교육권한 배분과 관련된 법령의 분석과 제도적 문제점을 분석한 결과 무엇보다도 법령을 통한 교육권한 배분의 추진과 정비가 더욱 강조될 필요가 있음을 알 수 있다. 지방 교육권한 배분은 법령을 통하여 지방으로의 권한이관 사항을 규정하는 방식으로 추진되어야 타당하다. 그러나 지금까지 대부분의 경우, 권한이관이 법령을 통해 이루어지는 것이 아니라 행정지침에 의해 이루어지는 경우가 많았다. 그리하여 법적 정당성을 갖는 권한이관이 아니라 행정적 편의에 의해 추진되는 이관이 빈번하였다. 중앙의 교육부 장관이 갖는 권한을 지방으로 이양할 때에는 ‘지방교육 자치에 관한 법률’에 그 근거 사항을 규정하고 그 시행령에 구체적인 권한이양 사항을 규정하는 것이 타당하고 정당하다. 같은 방법으로 교육감이 학교장에게 권한을 위임할 때는 현재 시․도별로 운영되는 ‘교육감 행정권한의 위임에 관한 조례’에 그 근거규정을 두고 역시 구체적인 위임사항은 ‘교육감 행정권한의 위임에 관한 규칙’에 규정하는 것이 역시 가장 적절하다. 따라서 지방의 자율권 확대를 위해 추진되는 사무이양 혹은 위임은 정부의 공문에 의해 실시하는 것보다 법령의 제․개정을 통하여 이루어지는 것이 정당하다.

It mentioned so far have the status of theories and precedents of the education authority distribution between the state and local governments. And comprehensive improvement measures such as the allocation of institutional problems and educational rights of foreign laws educational rights allocation between the state and local governments present and future challenges for the relations established as follows First, local educational decentralization means to transfer the work belonging to the authority of ‘Minister of Education, Science and Technology’ to provincial offices of education to execute local education affairs and have them conduct the affairs in their own authority and responsibility by devolving or reasonably allocating the authority of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology regulated by law to local autonomous organizations. The local educational decentralization has logical structures that is implemented to expect the development of local education, given the autonomy, particularity, and professionalism of local education. Second, laws related to implementation of local educational decentralization are ‘Local Autonomy Act’, ‘Act on the Promotion of Local Delegation of Central Administration Authority’, ‘Special Act on the Promotion of Local Decentralization’, ‘Provisions on Delegation and Entrustment of Administration Authority’, ‘Local Autonomy Education Act’ etc. Besides, it was analyzed that certain provisions in most education laws are related indirectly with local educational decentralization in the formation of devolution. Third, local educational decentralization in Korea was implemented in a full scale after the enactment of ‘Act on the Promotion of Local Delegation of Central Administration Authority’ in 1999 and in the field of education, lots of authorities in the field of elementary and middle school system, curriculum, teaching-learning, and students instruction and academic affairs have been devolved or delegated to superintendents of education offices by educational autonomy, in the fields of educational personnel management, educational finance, and educational facilities, however, the level of decentralization is turned out as still mere than the other fields. Fifth, there is a need also to consider ways to enable the educational cooperation officer institutions. it was implemented in 2008 but now utilizes weakened by establishing a cooperative system of the Superintendent and Administrative Lieutenant governor. Thus, when the Governor and the Chancellor discussed cooperation linked to the goal of final policy decisions, they should keep in mind that even as policy decisions are equitable and ensure the residents of the area of equal educational opportunity and education policy decisions and the student's right to education as always ensure that the participation.