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>>본 연구는 거래적 지도성, 변혁적 지도성, 조직부합적 행위, 수업의 질, 직무만족 요인들이 포함된 복합적 인식 구조 속에서 이 요인들이 어떠한 관련성을 가지며, 이 개발된 구조가 지도성의 복합적 관련성을 설명하기에 적합한가에 대한 이론적 모델을 개발ㆍ검증하는 연구이다. 본 연구의 결과 수정된 모델은 매우 적합한 모델로서 받아들여 질 수 있으며, 이를 통한 정책적 함의는 다음과 같다. 우선 변혁적 지도성과 거래적 지도성이 구분되지 않는 영역이 존재하므로, 다소 거래적 지도성이 나타난다고 해도 그 학교의 교장을 변혁적 지도자가 아니라고 말할 수 없으며, 어떠한 지도성을 갖는지는 종합적으로 판단되어야 한다. 둘째, 변혁적 지도성이 교사의 직무만족에 영향을 준다는 사실은 교사의 직무만족도를 높이기 위한 방법이 일선 교사의 처우를 개선하여 직무만족의 효과를 높이는 방법과 교육지도자가 변혁적 지도성을 가지는 방법이 있음을 암시한다. 셋째, 변혁적 지도성이 조직부합적 행위에 영향을 준다는 사실은 교장의 교사에 대한 학교업무에서의 참여 확대와 인정 등 변혁적 지도성 행위가 학교에서의 갈등을 완화시킬 수 있음을 의미한다. 넷째, 조직부합적 행위가 직무만족과 수업의 질에 영향을 준다는 사실은 교사 스스로 동료교사와의 협력적 관계를 통하여 교직에 대한 자부심을 가지며, 동료장학을 통해서 교사 자신의 전문성을 개발하는 것이 바람직함을 보여준다.

This research presents a comprehensive model of relationships between transformational and transactional leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, teaching quality and job satisfaction. Structural equation modeling with SAS CALIS and AMOS was used to test a theoretical model with one sample that was comprised of 402 elementary teachers in Kyungsangnam-Do, Korea. To analyze the model, this study addresses complexity-laden educational leadership issues with respect to teachers' perceptions of leadership structure. After reviewing past research and using factor analysis, this research confirms the existence of five latent variables in teachers‘ perception: (1) transformational leadership, (2) transactional leadership, (3) Organizational citizenship behavior, (4) teaching quality, and (5) job satisfaction. Next, adding structural paths, these variables are used in a model of the structure. The model developed has convergent validity, discriminant validity, and scale reliability. Finally, modeling techniques shows that the parameter estimates developed from the sample. In the model, transactional leadership and job satisfaction path was not significant in the final model. And transformational leadership and teaching quality path was not significant in the final model. In addition, teaching quality and job satisfaction path was not significant in the final model. In the model test, the final model fit was acceptable in considering all model fit indices. This research describes the path model assessing the direct and indirect effects on leadership structure. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.

This research presents a comprehensive model of relationships between transformational and transactional leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, teaching quality and job satisfaction. Structural equation modeling with SAS CALIS and AMOS was used to test a theoretical model with one sample that was comprised of 402 elementary teachers in Kyungsangnam-Do, Korea. To analyze the model, this study addresses complexity-laden educational leadership issues with respect to teachers' perceptions of leadership structure. After reviewing past research and using factor analysis, this research confirms the existence of five latent variables in teachers‘ perception: (1) transformational leadership, (2) transactional leadership, (3) Organizational citizenship behavior, (4) teaching quality, and (5) job satisfaction. Next, adding structural paths, these variables are used in a model of the structure. The model developed has convergent validity, discriminant validity, and scale reliability. Finally, modeling techniques shows that the parameter estimates developed from the sample. In the model, transactional leadership and job satisfaction path was not significant in the final model. And transformational leadership and teaching quality path was not significant in the final model. In addition, teaching quality and job satisfaction path was not significant in the final model. In the model test, the final model fit was acceptable in considering all model fit indices. This research describes the path model assessing the direct and indirect effects on leadership structure. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.