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본 연구는 학교조직의 결합유형과 교사들의 집단응집성 및 조직효과성의 가설적 인과모형을 실증적으로 분석하는데 그 목적이 있다. 특히, 구조모형에 나타난 잠재변인간의 검정통계량 결과, 관료적 결합→집단응집성(CR=4.509, p<.000), 집단응집성→조직효과성(CR=6.496, p<.000), 전문적 결합→조직효과성(CR=4.553, p<.000)간의 인과계수는 통계적으로 유의미하게 나타났으나 전문적 결합→집단응집성(CR=1.374, p>.170), 관료적 결합→조직효과성(CR=.932, p>.351) 간의 관계는 유의미한 효과를 보여주지 않았다. 본 연구자가 설정한 잠재요인과 측정변수 간의 인과모형을 검증한 후 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있다. 첫째, 학교조직의 결합방식은 교사들의 집단응집력에 긍정적 영향을 주었다. 특히, 관료적 결합이 전문적 결합보다 집단응집력에 더 큰 영향을 주었다. 이는 학교조직의 운영에 있어서 관료적 결합을 구성하는 요인들을 적절히 활용한다면, 학교조직의 응집력은 더욱더 고양될 것이라는 것을 의미한다. 둘째, 학교조직에서 교사들의 집단응집력은 조직효과성에 긍정적 영향을 주었다. 이는 학교장의 관점에서 학교조직의 효과성 제고를 위해 교사집단을 대상으로 조직에 대한 충성심과 단결력 등의 집단응집력 강화전략을 수립하여야 한다는 것을 시사한다. 끝으로, 학교조직의 결합방식은 조직효과성에 긍정적 영향을 주었다. 이는 학교조직효과성의 제고를 위해 교사들의 교수학습활동, 생활지도 등 교육 본연의 업무수행 및 학급운영의 전문성과 자율성을 강화하는 전략을 수립하여야 한다는 것을 시사한다.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the causal model among the Linkage Types of Organization, Group Cohesiveness, and Organizational effectiveness. The results on this study can be summarized as followings. First, There are significant relationships among Linkage Types, Group Cohesiveness, and Organizational Effectiveness. Second, Bureaucratic Linkage directly affects on Group Cohesiveness. Third, Professional Linkage and Group Cohesiveness directly affect on Organizational Effectiveness. Group Cohesiveness serves as a positive mediator to the effects of Linkage Types on Organizational Effectiveness. Especially, statistic tests among four latent variables were as follows. Bureaucratic Linkage→Group Cohesiveness(CR=4.509, p<.000), Group Cohesiveness→Organizational Effectiveness(CR=6.496, p<.000), Professional Linkage→Organizational Effectiveness(CR=4.553, p<.000). Professional Linkage→Group Cohesiveness(CR=1.374, p>.170). Bureaucratic Linkage→Organizational Effectiveness(CR=.932, p>.351). A covariance structural analysis was conducted to verify causal relations among research variables. The research analyzed the goodness of fit of the causal model as finally selected, and found that among absolute fit indices evaluating the overall fit of the models, chi-square value came out at 45.348(df=33, p=.074). Other fit indices came out higher than recommended levels: AIC=111.348, GFI=.968, NFI=.974, TLI=.988, RMR=.020, RMSEA=.039. Thus the model were considered acceptable.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the causal model among the Linkage Types of Organization, Group Cohesiveness, and Organizational effectiveness. The results on this study can be summarized as followings. First, There are significant relationships among Linkage Types, Group Cohesiveness, and Organizational Effectiveness. Second, Bureaucratic Linkage directly affects on Group Cohesiveness. Third, Professional Linkage and Group Cohesiveness directly affect on Organizational Effectiveness. Group Cohesiveness serves as a positive mediator to the effects of Linkage Types on Organizational Effectiveness. Especially, statistic tests among four latent variables were as follows. Bureaucratic Linkage→Group Cohesiveness(CR=4.509, p<.000), Group Cohesiveness→Organizational Effectiveness(CR=6.496, p<.000), Professional Linkage→Organizational Effectiveness(CR=4.553, p<.000). Professional Linkage→Group Cohesiveness(CR=1.374, p>.170). Bureaucratic Linkage→Organizational Effectiveness(CR=.932, p>.351). A covariance structural analysis was conducted to verify causal relations among research variables. The research analyzed the goodness of fit of the causal model as finally selected, and found that among absolute fit indices evaluating the overall fit of the models, chi-square value came out at 45.348(df=33, p=.074). Other fit indices came out higher than recommended levels: AIC=111.348, GFI=.968, NFI=.974, TLI=.988, RMR=.020, RMSEA=.039. Thus the model were considered acceptable.