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특별활동 교육과정은 교과와 상호 보완적 관련 속에서 학생의 심신의 조화로운 발달을 지향한다. 특별활동은 제1차 교육과정 시기에 정규 교육과정으로 편제되었다. 그러나 법조문 형식의 총칙 제6조는 단지 4개 항의 내용만 제시하고, 구체적인 내용의 범위를 제시하지 않았다. 본 연구는 그 당시 초등학교의 특별활동 운영의 실제가 어떠했는지를 탐구하는데 초점을 두었다. 이를 위하여 당시 초등학생이었던 구술자들을 선정하여 그들이 경험한 특별활동의 내용을 탐구하였다. 또한 30개 학교 60개 학급을 선정, 당시 생활기록부의 특별활동 부서와 평가결과가 기재된 활동상황을 분석하여 그 운영의 실태를 탐색하였다. 구술자들은 당시의 특별활동이 다양한 내용을 가지고 충실히 운영되었다고 인식하고 있었다. 그리고 당시의 특별활동 부서는 교과관련 부서들이 주로 조직되었으며, 활동상황은 부정적.피상적 평가를 많이 하고 있었다.

The purpose of this study is to look at the actual implementation of the elementary school curriculum for the co curricular activities in the period of the first national curriculum. After synthesizing the results and reflecting on the purpose of this study, the following conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, from the 1945 Liberation of Korea to the period of the first national curriculum, co curricular activities were implemented as the name of extra-curricular activities. Under the influence of the New Education Movement and the Curriculum Reform Movement, various extra activities were implemented. The idea of "learner-centered" was reflected in the curriculum. It can be said, however, this curriculum was incomplete because of its lack of specific contents. Secondly, the Club activities were the area of being most actively operated. The teachers tried to develop their students' talents with passion and the students had nearly perfect attendance in their clubs. The clubs were operated during the whole school year. The social and economic conditions at that time were reflected in the volunteer activities. Field days, field trips, and exhibitions of student works were held, but those were slightly different from those of contemporary times. The narrators recognized that the co curricular activities at that time pursued its own nature. Lastly, the analysis of the student records revealed that various clubs were organized and operated. Most of the clubs were related to subject matters. Many portions of the students’ descriptions of the activities did not reflect the nature of the co curricular activities. The characteristics of the students' social behaviors in schools were mainly described and there was no consistency in the evaluations on the students' social behaviors in schools in terms of domains and viewpoints.