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이 연구의 목적은 현재 실시되고 있는 시각장애학교 제7차 개정 사회과 교육과정의 운영에 대해 시각장애학교 사회과 담당 지도교사를 대상으로 운영 실태와 개선방안을 분석함으로써 현행 시각장애학교 사회과 교육과정의 효과적인 운영을 위한 기초자료로 제시하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 전국 12개 시각장애학교 교사 21명을 대상으로 성별과 교직경력별, 전공별, 담당학년별 등으로 배경변인을 설정하였다. 설문지의 구성은 3개 영역으로 시각장애학교 사회과 교사의 교육과정 운영에 관한 인식 7문항, 교육과정 운영에 관한 실태 12문항 그리고 교육과정 운영상의 개선에 대해 7문항 등으로 총 26문항으로 구성하였다. 이를 바탕으로 얻어진 연구 결과에 대한 시각장애학교 사회과 담당 지도교사에 대한 교육과정의 운영인식과 운영실태 그리고 교육과정 적용상의 개선방안에 대해 논의하여 결론을 맺었다.

The purpose of this study is to boost the visually handicapped students' self-confidence on social studies curriculum at the time when the revised 7th curriculum is introduced by analyzing teachers' perception on the operation of social studies curriculum in school for the visually handicapped, the state of social studies learning and its evaluation methods, and its problems and the ways of improvement, and look for the direction, which the present social education can be more and more developed through the suitability of its education and the problems deduction of its education, by inquiring into the general state of social education to help the self-directed learning come. For this study, the research purposes were divided into four to distribute questionnaires in June on the visually handicapped social studies teachers. And the collected data were processed by the frequency analysis, multiple response analysis and cross tabulation analysis. The summary of the results is as follows. First, the teachers' perception on the operation of social studies curriculum in school for the visually handicapped showed that for the formal training experience, 71.4% of male teachers have received the formal training, and 85.7% of female teachers have never received it. For the subjects, which should be tightened up for students in school for the visually handicapped in the revised 7th curriculum, the ‘geographical area’ was the highest by 47.6%. And for the necessity of the change of educational environment, teaching contents and evaluation methods in the revised 7th social studies curriculum, 95.2% of teachers thought that they need the change. Second, the state of social studies teaching and learning and its evaluation methods showed that for the present social studies operating pattern, the ‘lecture pattern’ is the highest by 66.7%. For the instruction methods of textbook contents, the ‘instruction in addition to outside those contents as well as textbook contents’ was the highest by 38.1%. And for the difficulty related to the implementation of performance appraisal, the ‘lack of field conditions for the implementation of performance appraisal’ and ‘difficulty of basic skill diagnosis due to the performance appraisal operation focused on the tasks’ were the highest by 45.0%, respectively. Third, the improvement ways on the application of social studies curriculum showed that for the necessity of special school teachers' training chance for the application of social studies curriculum, 71.4% feel the necessity. And for the necessity of financial consideration of apparatus and materials supplies, which can make use of multimedia data, 90.4% thought they need financial consideration.