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이 연구는 시각장애학생의 조기발견, 진단ㆍ평가 및 배치, 시각중복장애 교육과 관련하여 시각장애학생의 적절한 교육 제공에 필요한 정책적 개선 방안을 제시하기 위해 실시되었으며, 이를 위해 관련 주제별로 폭넓은 문헌연구와 교육현황 및 요구 분석을 실시하였다. 이를 토대로 개선 방안을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시각장애영유아와 시각장애학생의 조기발견, 진단ㆍ평가 및 배치의 개선 방안으로서, 종합적인 조기발견 체계 구축, 관련 법규에 적절한 선별 절차와 방법의 명시, 시각장애학생 진단ㆍ평가도구 개발, 특수교육지원센터 운영의 활성화, 시각장애학생 배치 시 다양한 교육환경 고려 등을 제시하였다. 둘째, 시각중복장애학생 교육 개선 방안으로서, 정확한 실태 파악과 교육적 조치를 위한 종합적인 진단ㆍ평가 시스템 구축, 시각중복장애학생에게 맞는 국가 단위의 교육과정 개발과 지속적인 연구 수행, 의사소통 기술과 지도전략 등에 대한 포괄적 연구 수행, 보행교육의 강화, 신체활동의 강화, 진로지도를 위한 기초연구 및 지원 강화, 관련 전문가 양성과 지속적인 프로젝트 수행을 통한 교육의 질 개선과 인식 개선 사업 실시 등을 제시하였다.

The purpose of this study was to analyze the current status in early identification, assessment and placement to educational institutions, and education for students with multiple disabilities in young children and students in special schools for students with visual impairments; and to suggest future improvement strategies for providing appropriate education for the young children and students as early as possible. For this purpose, first, literature review was carried out to help with developing questionnaires for this study and suggesting improvement strategies. Second, a survey was conducted with the teachers of young children and students in 12 special schools for students with visual impairments. This study put together the findings from literature review and survey, and presented the following improvement strategies for providing appropriate education with students with visual impairments as early as possible. First, in order to identify, assessment, and place young children and students with visual impairments, introduce comprehensive early identification system, suggestion of appropriate procedures and methods for screening program in Act on propriate procedure for Disabled Persons, Etc., development of assessment scales for students with visual impairment, activation of the management of Local propriate procedure Sppport Centers across the nation, and consideration of various service delivery system in placement decision for students with visual impairments. Second, in order to improve education for students with multiple disabilities with visual impairments, introduce the establishment of comprehensive assessment system for investigating current status in their education and providing appropriate education, development of nation level curriculum appropriate to students with multiple disabilities, implementation of research on their communication skills, instruction strategies, and career education, strengthening of orientation training for students with multiple disabilities, and training of related-specialists.

The purpose of this study was to analyze the current status in early identification, assessment and placement to educational institutions, and education for students with multiple disabilities in young children and students in special schools for students with visual impairments; and to suggest future improvement strategies for providing appropriate education for the young children and students as early as possible. For this purpose, first, literature review was carried out to help with developing questionnaires for this study and suggesting improvement strategies. Second, a survey was conducted with the teachers of young children and students in 12 special schools for students with visual impairments. This study put together the findings from literature review and survey, and presented the following improvement strategies for providing appropriate education with students with visual impairments as early as possible. First, in order to identify, assessment, and place young children and students with visual impairments, introduce comprehensive early identification system, suggestion of appropriate procedures and methods for screening program in Act on propriate procedure for Disabled Persons, Etc., development of assessment scales for students with visual impairment, activation of the management of Local propriate procedure Sppport Centers across the nation, and consideration of various service delivery system in placement decision for students with visual impairments. Second, in order to improve education for students with multiple disabilities with visual impairments, introduce the establishment of comprehensive assessment system for investigating current status in their education and providing appropriate education, development of nation level curriculum appropriate to students with multiple disabilities, implementation of research on their communication skills, instruction strategies, and career education, strengthening of orientation training for students with multiple disabilities, and training of related-specialists.