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본 논문은 정도전과 권근의 불교 이해를 심성론(心性論)과 불교의 현상학적 관심을 중심으로 살펴본다. 정도전의 불교 비판이 주희의 그것을 답습한 것이라는 견해가 있지만, 본고는 그들의 불교 이해가 고려불교의 상황을 반영한다는 것을 전제로 한다. 그들은 고려 말 선불교의 임제종 전통을 반영하여, 불교의 심성론이 성리학의 허령불매심(虛靈不昧心)에 비해 허령공적(虛靈空寂)한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 지눌의 공적영지심(空寂靈智心) 개념을 도외시한 결과였다. 한편 불교 현상학에 있어서도 그것이 진공(眞空) 개념을 중심으로 하는 본체론적 시각에 머무른 나머지, 묘유(妙有) 즉 현상에 대한 깊은 통찰과 애정은 결여한 것으로 보았다. 이는 화엄학의 법계연기론에 대한 이해를 끝까지 추찰하지 못한 결과로 보인다. 그들의 이 같은 불교 이해는 그들이 불교를 기본적으로 초세간적 영역에 국한된 것으로 본 시각을 반영하는 동시에, 환원적으로 그러한 시각을 재차 강화한다. 그리하여 불교의 이미지를 초월적인 것으로 고착시키고, 향후 성리학에 입각한 조선의 통치 시스템이 불교를 억압하는 것을 용이하게 하였다. 그런데 역설적이게도 성리학의 이 같은 노력은 조선의 불교가 근대적 의미의 종교개념을 부여받는 데에 일조한 것으로 보인다. 고려시대까지 사회문화 전체를 지배하는 세계관이자 규범(normative)으로서 기능했던 불교가, 조선시대에 이르러 개개인의 삶 속에 침투되는 이른바 사사화(私事化, individualization)의 과정을 거치면서 종교사회학적 의미의 세속화(secularization)와 유사한 과정을 겪고 있기 때문이다. 이것을 필자는 조선불교의 맹아적 세속화로서 규정한다. 반면 타종교 즉 여타의 세계관에 대해 강박적으로 억압적인 태도 또는 불관용(intolerance)적인 태도를 보였던 성리학은, 점차 그 자신이 사회문화적 규범의 자리를 차지하고 나아가 초월적인 영역까지도 넘봄으로써 전근대적인 의미의 종교에 머무르고 말았다. 이것은 근대화의 도래 이후 오히려 성리학으로 하여금 근대적 의미의 종교로 변모하는 데에 걸림돌로 작용했던 것으로 보인다. 요컨대 정도전과 권근으로 대표되는 조선 초기 성리학자들은 불교를 현상이나 사회의 제 실상보다는 본체론을 지향하는 허령한 것으로 짐짓 왜곡되게 이해함으로써 성리학적 국가시스템 확립에 도움을 얻었지만, 역설적으로 불교의 맹아적 세속화에 기여하게 되었다는 것이 본 논문의 주장이다.

This paper discusses Cheong Do-jeon (鄭道傳, 1342~1398) and Kwon Geun's (權近, 1352~1409) understanding of Buddhism by focusing on the idea of Mind-Nature theory (心性論) and Buddhist phenomenology. There has been the opinion that Cheong Do-jeon's criticism of Buddhism was based on that of Chu Hsi (朱熹, 1130~1200), but this paper argues that Cheong and Kwon's understanding about Buddhism was a reflection on the condition of Koryo (高麗, 918~1392) Buddhism. They received the Buddhist tradition of Im-jae-jong (Lin-chi-tsung, 臨濟宗) of the latter Koryo Seon (Ch’an, 禪) Buddhism and conceived the notion that Buddhist Mind-Nature theory was inane, especially in the viewpoint of ethics, in comparison to that of Neo-Confucianism. This understanding is the result of their neglect of Jinul's (知訥, 1158~1210) Mind theory. To Jinul, the human mind was empty and inactive but able to make judgements on ethics and the conditions of the phenomenal world. Cheong and Kwon, on the other hand, saw that Buddhist phenomenology lacked a consideration of social reality. This was namely due to their lack of understanding of the doctrine of dependent origination in dharma-dhātu (法界緣起論) which has been discussed mainly in Hua-yen school (華嚴學). Cheong and Kwon's understanding of Buddhism reflected the opinion that Buddhism was basically transcendent, and such perception forcibly continued to spread reductionist ideas of Buddhism. In other words, their understanding made the image of Buddhism fit transcendent notions hence making it easy for Choseon Neo-Confucian ideology to suppressed Buddhism. Paradoxically, the efforts of Neo-Confucians added to Choseon (朝鮮, 1392~1910) Buddhism in becoming conceived as religion in the modern sense. Buddhism which had been a world-view and normative over the entire society and culture before the foundation of Choseon dynasty, began to go through the process of becoming a personal religion and pseudo- secularized. This paper calls this process "incipient secularization." Neo-Confucianism which was oppressive and intolerant of other world-views has been another prevalent world-view and normative over the Choseon society and culture. It also gradually became transcendant, at last becoming and remaining as a premodern religion. It seems that this prevented Neo- Confucianism from transforming into a modern religion after the arrival of modernity. In short, Neo-Confucianists of early Choseon period such as Cheong Do-jeon and Kwon Guen falsely saw Buddhism as inane to the extent that it didn't concern societal issues. While they were able to dismiss Buddhism and at the same time establish the foundation to construct the Neo-Confucian system for Choseon dynasty, paradoxically they contributed to the process of incipient secularization of Buddhism.

This paper discusses Cheong Do-jeon (鄭道傳, 1342~1398) and Kwon Geun's (權近, 1352~1409) understanding of Buddhism by focusing on the idea of Mind-Nature theory (心性論) and Buddhist phenomenology. There has been the opinion that Cheong Do-jeon's criticism of Buddhism was based on that of Chu Hsi (朱熹, 1130~1200), but this paper argues that Cheong and Kwon's understanding about Buddhism was a reflection on the condition of Koryo (高麗, 918~1392) Buddhism. They received the Buddhist tradition of Im-jae-jong (Lin-chi-tsung, 臨濟宗) of the latter Koryo Seon (Ch’an, 禪) Buddhism and conceived the notion that Buddhist Mind-Nature theory was inane, especially in the viewpoint of ethics, in comparison to that of Neo-Confucianism. This understanding is the result of their neglect of Jinul's (知訥, 1158~1210) Mind theory. To Jinul, the human mind was empty and inactive but able to make judgements on ethics and the conditions of the phenomenal world. Cheong and Kwon, on the other hand, saw that Buddhist phenomenology lacked a consideration of social reality. This was namely due to their lack of understanding of the doctrine of dependent origination in dharma-dhātu (法界緣起論) which has been discussed mainly in Hua-yen school (華嚴學). Cheong and Kwon's understanding of Buddhism reflected the opinion that Buddhism was basically transcendent, and such perception forcibly continued to spread reductionist ideas of Buddhism. In other words, their understanding made the image of Buddhism fit transcendent notions hence making it easy for Choseon Neo-Confucian ideology to suppressed Buddhism. Paradoxically, the efforts of Neo-Confucians added to Choseon (朝鮮, 1392~1910) Buddhism in becoming conceived as religion in the modern sense. Buddhism which had been a world-view and normative over the entire society and culture before the foundation of Choseon dynasty, began to go through the process of becoming a personal religion and pseudo- secularized. This paper calls this process "incipient secularization." Neo-Confucianism which was oppressive and intolerant of other world-views has been another prevalent world-view and normative over the Choseon society and culture. It also gradually became transcendant, at last becoming and remaining as a premodern religion. It seems that this prevented Neo- Confucianism from transforming into a modern religion after the arrival of modernity. In short, Neo-Confucianists of early Choseon period such as Cheong Do-jeon and Kwon Guen falsely saw Buddhism as inane to the extent that it didn't concern societal issues. While they were able to dismiss Buddhism and at the same time establish the foundation to construct the Neo-Confucian system for Choseon dynasty, paradoxically they contributed to the process of incipient secularization of Buddhism.